In love with a monster

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I broke the kiss to see his reaction after a couple seconds and it was pure shock.
"What happened to 'Spencer I can't be around you.' 'Spencer it's dangerous—" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his as I felt his mouth turn into a smile and feel his laugh.
"Wait, I cant believe I'm saying this but let me 'catch my breath.'" I laughed.
"Goodnight Spencer." I pecked his cheek and was running to the cabin again, I heard the words 'wait you can't leave me on a cliffhanger like that!' But I smirked and ignored them followed by a short sigh from his voice.
I fell back into my bed and grabbed my pillow and slowly started to fall asleep until I heard his voice.
"So you're just going to fall asleep when you know what just happened?"
"Was that your first kiss?"
"Yes." He smiled widely and shook his head and continued.
"How can you fall asleep knowing the feeling of what just happened?"
"Like this." I closed my eyes and smiled and slowly drifted into a dreamless night. You know those mornings from programmes where they wake up and the birds tweet around them and they're wide awake, well that's not what happened this morning.
"So?" He sat in my desk chair swinging backwards and forwards.
"What are you still doing here!" I covered my face with my blanket.
"I couldn't sleep." He chuckled under his breath.
"You can't sleep." I remembered what he told me, vampires don't sleep and they never have to catch their breath for anything, He slowly nodded.
"Now, get ready." He hopped up from the chair and winked.
"For what, we don't have college today." I gave him a confused look whilst he began to form a huge smile.
"We have learning to do, training." He walked over to my side and slowly brushed my hair with his fingers, he put a piece of my hair over my ear and whispered on my neck.
"I know of a few other things we could do if you don't want to train today." Chills went down my spine by his words. I put my hand on his chest whilst he began to laugh and I quickly grabbed him and threw him out my window to test if a vampire could still land on two feet, wrong. I laughed as he fell back and saw his reaction, priceless.
"Oh you're so going to pay for that!" He started to get up again and wipe his hands from the mud but I had other ideas, I jumped out the window and landed on two feet, I grabbed his shirt and placed him gently onto a small branch.
"Enjoy your stay." I winked and waved away as I jumped back into my room, the feeling felt amazing.
"You can't just leave me here this is so unfair!" I heard him trying to grab the branch but it was too high.
"Rose...I'm not a fan of heights." I stopped gathering clothes and looked out the window to see panic in his face.
"You can't be serious." I raised an eyebrow, he's a vampire he shouldn't be afraid of anything he is the predator, he could break that whole tree in half if he felt like it.
"Rose, please get me down from here!"
"No, you shouldn't talk to me like that!" I folded my arms and walked back to my clothes and got changed instantly checking each outfit.
"But you like it." I stopped for a second and hesitated.
"I can hear your heartbeat, I make you nervous." He was right but I wasn't accepting defeat, I opened the window.
"No, my heart beats fast because you make me angry!" He barked with laughter and hesitated when the branch snapped a little.
"ROSE." I walked away again and began to braid my hair to the side as I rolled my eyes, I heard him mumble curse words and then the branch snapped again and he stopped his breathing.
"You are such a human." I put the last grip in my dirty blonde hair and laughed. I walked to the window and opened it again contemplating if I could just jump straight to the tree, I stepped both feet onto the edge of the window and jumped rattling the tree.
"Too high, yep you are way too high."
"I get that Spencer now shut up." I saw the routes I could take and what I could do, I wanted to check everything I could do. I started to slide down the tree to get to his level. He turned to me.
"Hello." He nodded his head and smiled.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"This isn't over." I pointed a finger at him.
"Oh I know." He grinned. I looked at the branch and saw the possibilities I could do, I looked at the snapped branch and began to smirk.
"Rose, I know what you're thinking don't do—" I grabbed the branch and snapped it but held onto it so he wouldn't fall.
"You're insane Rose you know that?" He crosses his arms.
"Insane huh?" I slowly began to tilt the branch as his shirt began to slide down with it.
"Rose no!" I stopped and held him back up again.
"I could let you fall now just to teach you a lesson to show you to not mess around with me."
"Oh really?" He turned to me slightly, I thought about it for a moment."
"Really." I dropped the branch and ran up the tree to be out of sight but I rested on a branch to hear the landing not looking back and then I heard the branch fall onto the ground but no sound of Spencer hitting the ground. I was confused, I was sure he was on that branch with his shirt stuck there unable to get off. I felt a tug on my arm and I was lifted up into the sky, I screamed until two arms held me bridal style, He smiled at me.
"Ok let's go." He jumped down and landed on two feet still carrying me, I watched his face as he held the smile on his face and it was perfect, the trees passed us and it was almost like everything was in slow motion. He looked down at me for a second and stopped.
"This is it." I jumped down and looked around me and we were in a forest and I could hear a waterfall, I stepped towards it and watched it, it was a dreamlike scene.
"Beautiful isn't it?" He followed me and stood by my side and watched the water fall with me. I looked at him and studied him, he was right something about him did make my heart go crazy.
"Yeah, it is." He turned back to look at me and I looked back embarrassed.
"Which one are you talking about the waterfall or me?" He laughed.
"What a way to ruin the moment." I continued to look at the waterfall, it had the same features as Spencer, mesmerising.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know we were having 'a moment'" he tucked a fallen piece of hair behind my ear and smiled. My heart began to race as I looked at him.
"Your eyes are red." I shook my head and covered my eyes and slowed myself down breathing in and out slowly. He wrapped his arms around me gently and I listened to his breathing, it seemed like it was the only thing that calmed me down. I looked up at him and he responded smiling, I gently held his face and pulled and he was aiming for my lips and he was so close and then I buried my head into his shoulder and heard the defeated sigh and a small laugh escape from him.
"You are sending me crazy Rose."
"I know." We held eachother for what felt like hours, maybe it was hours.

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