Look into my eyes

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His grip on my waist was calming me down but it also made me feel something I've never felt before. Electric. I slowly tilted my head to look at him and he was staring at me in worry. He sighed.
"Keep your head down." I complied and buried my head back into my arms. He tightened his grip around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"I knew there was something different about you from the moment I—" he hesitated to say the next words, he sighed.
"Never mind." I continued to listen to his breathing and ignored every other sound around me, I only focused on his breathing, it calmed me.
"Miss rose?" I heard the tutor call my name and Spencer released his grip immediately. I sighed and slowly raised my head. He looked me in the eye.
"Can you please try and concentrate and catch more sleep next time." He raises his eyebrows
"Yes." I smiled in response and he smiled back and carried on. I turned to Spencer and he was laughing quietly.
"Did I say something funny?"
"Something funny to me." He looked and continued to laugh.
"Will you stop?" I attempted to kick him but he grabbed my leg in amazing speed.
"Careful Rose, don't make a scene." He smirked and it turned to fear.
"Not here anyway." He looked away and put both hands on the table. I mirrored him, he looked at me from the corner of his eye and smirked. Time passed quickly after that, I caught glimpses of him looking at me every now and then but then the bell rang and as soon as it rang Spencer was out of the door, I rolled my eyes it was almost like deja vu. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and 4 people smiled at me, two girls and two boys. They waved at me slowly and offered me a table with them in the cafeteria, I accepted of course, I need to get to know more people around here. I followed them to the cafeteria and as I walked in, I scanned the Cafeteria searching for Spencer and I spotted him with three beautiful girls and two model looking men. They looked like they were arguing with each other and the girl sitting on the left was pushing her food away and almost cringing, it didn't seem like she was listening to their disagreement. I felt a nudge on my arm and Serena has nudged me to check if I was still listening to her conversation and gossip.
"What is it with you and Spencer?" She laughed and concentrated on digging up her salad.
"What about him." I didn't ask her in a questioning tone as I was still concentrating on the five with Spencer.
"Well duh, we saw you two acting like you've known each other for a long time!" She looked at the others and then back at me.
"So, what's the gossip?" She played with her food and then pointed her fork at me.
"Are you two together?" She winked.
"Are you insane? No of course not!" As I whispered this, I saw Spencer take a glimpse at me and laugh like he knew what I was saying.
"Ok, ok, whatever you say." She raised her hands in defence.
"Excuse me for a moment." I stood up from my seat and ignored my food. I watched as Serena looked at each one around the table and grin.
"Later Rose." She waved me off and they laughed as I rolled my eyes at them and walked towards Spencer. As I got closer I listened to their mumbling and the one girl eyeing her food looked up to me. Spencer and the others were deep into their conversation as they didn't notice me but she did. She looked at me like I was something to eat, the lamb who was an easy target.
"Spencer." She broke our gaze and looked at the group.
"You have company." She winked at him and he looked up and met my gaze and smiled. They all looked at me in confusion whilst the girl was fascinated.
"Give me a moment." He mumbled to the group and walked over to me.
"Rose." He grinned and looked into my eyes.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Is that not what we're doing?" He laughed and looked down.
"Come on." I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. I didn't let go of him until I found a perfect and quiet place where no one would hear us.
"Well, this is exciting." He stopped me and grinned.
"Now, what would you like to know." He held my face in his palm, it was cold but it sent electricity through me, I attempted to ignore it.
"Why are you protecting me?" I looked up at him with serious eyes and he mirrored me.
"You know what you are."
"Yes, I am a human who just wants—" I raised my hands slightly and he held both of them.
"Rose, you are not human, well not what I know of—"
"What!" I shouted at him but he covered my mouth still holding one arm. I narrowed my eyes at him, my heart started racing.
"Listen to me Rose, I don't know what you are, we don't know what you are yet but we know you have a piece of." He hesitated.
"Well a piece of us in your system." He looked down.
"What am I Spencer, please just tell me." Tears started to roll down my eyes, I was scared no, I was terrified of what he was talking about but he was talking about me, I was the subject. I looked into his eyes and saw the reflection of my eyes. Red, bright red, Crimson. I grabbed both of his arms and pushed him to the wall as the cracks formed around him. I started to run. Whatever I was I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't hurt anyone.

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