Meet me at dawn

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I looked at Spencer and I felt the crimson in my eyes grow and the strength flow around my body but I'd never felt strength like this before.
"You threatened me." I took a step towards him.
"You forced me." Alex's eyes grew with shock.
"You dug into my head." I saw the branch around his neck thicken.
"Oh and most of all, you changed me into something stronger, something more capable of the sight of death because you showed me what I really am." I looked into his eyes and I could feel him trying to fight into my head but he wasn't strong enough and he was scared.
"A beautiful monster." The branch around him thickened and tightened and he was crushed into pieces, it looked like pieces of rock turned into dust, I passed out. It took me a couple days to wake up it seemed as if I used a little  too much of my strength. I kept my eyes closed and that's when I heard Spencer.
"She's been asleep for days what if something's wrong?"
"Spencer, I can hear her heartbeat she seems fine."
"We didn't know there could be another one of her kind and now she's the only one left, we don't know enough about her kind what if she gets hurt and it doesn't heal."
"Well Alexander sure didn't heal." I heard a new voice appear and instantly knew it was Sophia laughing.
"Shut up Sophia!"
"You can't tell me what to do Spencer!"
"Oh yeah, how about we test that theory?"
"My pleasure even since What Rose taught me I'm sure I will be quite fine in the field."
"Enough!" Nadia's voice appeared again followed by Charles.
"We're not focusing on fighting today we're focusing on Rose waking up now would you both be quiet!" They immediately turned silent and I heard the scraping of a chair on the floor close to me and then someone intertwine their fingers with mine.
"What time is it." I heard Spencer's voice again.
"Nearly 4am."
"She shouldn't be out this long."
"Spencer you saw what she did, she's developed a bunch of new things that should be sending her insane and it's difficult to control it and she managed to do it, she broke out of his mind control and prevented it, that was impossible!"
"Thank you for helping her through it." I felt his head slowly rest by my side and his breathing was sending me asleep again.
"Anytime." Spencer kissed my forehead as I heard Sophia leave the room.
"Meet me at dawn Rose." Those were the last words I heard until I fell into another deep sleep. I saw little glimpses of memories spike into my head from when I was living in the city and I saw my face and I looked miserable and then it flickered to the memories I've had with Spencer here and I've never looked so happy before. His teasing, his closeness, his love and his smile, god his smile sent me crazy. He had a pearl white complexion and some may find it crazy but I found it beautiful, his skin was quite cold as he had hardly any blood flowing through him in the day. Everything about the vampire was magnificent and a piece of art. But when he embraced me I felt warmth, it's crazy to say it because he's cold but I felt warmth around him so I wasn't complaining at all, his kisses felt like heaven on your lips and his breathing, well that was my first memory of him. When I met him in class even though I met him on a road but our first real meeting was my first day of college and his breathing calmed me down, his touch around my waist calmed down and most of all his voice. It was beauty. But then I found the memory of me pushing him into a wall when I'd lost my sight of mind against Alex as he controlled me like a puppet, Charles and Nadia had to help him as animal blood wasn't enough, it wasn't their nature.
"It's been three more days and she still hasn't woken up." Sophia sighed.
"Her heartbeat keeps on changing from fast to normal."
"Well maybe she's thinking about you in her little baby vamp coma." Leo laughed and teased Spencer. I felt Spencer slowly move a fallen hair away from my face and I wasn't so sure if I wanted to wake up yet and what may happen, I was afraid to open them.
"When will this girl ever wake up it's been a week and two days!" Sophia shouted.
"Just give her time." Charles's voice appeared.
"We need to hunt, it's 4am and the town will wake up soon."
"I'll catch up." Spencer's voice was against my head like he was staring at my eyes.
"Wake up soon my love." He kissed my forehead once again and he left. It was 5am and I slowly opened my eyes, no one was around so I guessed they were still hunting and then I saw Spencer standing on a balcony outside, I looked at my surrounding and it was a huge room but it was modern and mostly wood. I looked at Spencer and smiled.
"You wanted me to meet you at dawn?" I saw Spencer turn quickly and it took him a moment and a wide smile grew across his face, he ran to me and lifted me up laughing with excitement.
"Hi." I smiled at him and brushed his cheek.
"Hi." He smiled back still filled with joy and embraced me. Everything was perfect.

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