Hide and seek

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I drove down a couple roads and took a couple turns letting my mind take me places and as the dawn began to break, I knew I was miles away from Lennox. I sighed deeply as I thought about the life I had the life I wanted to believe was perfect but it had difficulties, I just chose to ignore them. I found a house that was up for rent and it looked incredibly rustic with a hint of modernism. I called the number the sign displayed and collected all the details and then was told to stay there for about five or ten minutes to receive the key. My grandmother hid a huge amount of money in the kitchen shelf and it noted 'for Rose's emergency!' I guess you could call a 'running away from the love of your life and family." An Emergency situation. I waited for about ten minutes until the owners arrived and handed me the key as I handed them the price, I was surprised that it wasn't too expensive. The little house was right next to a lake and it wasn't completely surrounded by trees but it was mostly surrounded by a lake. I decided that this place was going to be a place to just enjoy a happy human life even though it was nearly impossible if something worried you or angered you that your eyes would turn red crimson. I laughed at the thought and placed my suitcases by the front door and examined the place before I could get confused. The kitchen was to the left and the living room down the hallway to the right and it was lovely and home like surrounded with dark wood and had a beautiful view of the lake outside the huge windows. The kitchen was huge and it was almost exactly like the living room with all the wood surrounding it, I loved it. I took my suitcases upstairs and placed them on the wooden floor and saw there was a door towards what seemed like a balcony. I opened the door and small glass rail held the balcony together in case someone were to fall. There was a chair and it provided an astonishing view of the lake, it was something you could look at forever. I unpacked my suitcases and put them in the correct place and let my other vampire self leave so I could be human and not move at a super speed but I would just walk from place to place and sleep and enjoy life.
It's been a couple days now since I rented this place and I've explored the whole place and it's so beautiful and I haven't seen my crimson eyes for a while but I keep on getting small sparks of elements trying to escape from my hands so I had to hide in the house sometimes but it didn't stop me from finding new things to do. I decided to go for a small walk around the lake and watch the lake ripple on the edge so I could admire when the light of the sun reflects from it. I put my shoes on and tied my hair back into a ponytail and walked out of the door and locked it. I trailed off the path around the lake and stared deeply at the lake almost like how I used to with Spencer's eyes, I couldn't take my eyes off them. I shook my head gently and walked around again, it took about three hours as the lake was pretty huge but I walked back home and unlocked the door and stepped inside taking my shoes off. I skipped to the kitchen and prepared myself a sandwich for lunch to sit on the balcony with and took the plate upstairs with me, I opened the door and dropped my plate in shock. How did they find me? how is this possible? I didn't tell anyone where I would be.

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