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It was my first day of college and I knew I wasn't staying in a campus so I would come back here, my cabin or maybe the meadow to study, however after that little meeting with the 'monster' I wasn't sure if I did want to go back but I was determined, they can't take my relaxation away from me. I stared out of my window for a couple seconds looking into the view, behind the trees was the road and one car would go by every minute. This town was pretty small and didn't have many people but it was beautiful here. I heard that there was a waterfall just a couple minutes down from the cabin. I still have so much to explore but first, college. I grabbed my rucksack and keys and ran downstairs in a hurry not to be late especially on my first day. I did my usual routine, unlock the door, close it, lock it just in case, either take the car or walk but I was in a rush and this college was ten minutes in a car so  I guess it was the car today. I hopped into my blue beetle, it was a 1938 style but I treasured it. It was all still in one piece and I have always been a type of rustic girl. I turned the key and the listened to the rumble of the car begin to wake up. I began to change the gear and drive out of the forest and onto the road.
It took about eight or nine minutes to get to my location but it was a small and simple college just as I'd seen in the photos on their website. I checked my schedule that I had found it the mail which also contained a map, I parked my car next to a familiar looking jeep, one you would spot close to the mountains. I looked at the time on my phone, I was right on time. I sighed in relief and slowly stepped out of my car. People were surrounding a spot in the parking lot. I wondered what they were feasting their eyes on, I rolled my eyes and laughed at the glimpse of a Porsche. I felt something cold hit my head and I looked up and it had just started raining and the clouds were hiding the sun. I ran through the door and heard the mumbles of conversations stop and all heads tilted to me looking me up and down. I looked down in embarrassment and clutched my rucksack and began to walk past them as their eyes continued to dig into me and the mumbles started up again but they were more like whispers. I looked at my schedule and concentrated on each of my room numbers, ten, eight, six, four. I repeated these numbers to myself and realised I was concentrating a little too hard when I bumped into what felt like an iceberg.
"Oh!" I was shocked by the temperature and slowly looked up.
"Not concentrating again I see?" He laughed
"It's you, from the accident!"
"That you put on yourself." He raised his eyebrow and I looked down in response only to see my plan and map on the floor.
"Here." He bent down and picked it up in a quick motion and handed me the two pieces of paper. His hands were cold almost like he left his hands in a fridge for a couple minutes.
"Your hands, they're freezing." I looked up at him concerned.
"Um, yeah." He hesitated.
"Just the cold weather I guess." There was a couple moments of silence until he changed the topic.
"May I know your name?" He smirked and raised one eyebrow.
"Only if I can know yours." I smirked back and laughed, he laughed with me.
"Spencer." He held out his hand.
"Rose." I held his hand and shook it. His face changed into confusion and he stared at my hand and looked back up into my eyes flicking back to my hands. He let go of my hand and smiled slightly and it faded.
"I have to—" he hesitated.
"I have to go, goodbye." He left and I turned around and he was walking at a fast pace not looking back. Confusion flooded into my head and I had no idea what happened, was there something wrong with my hand? Stupid ideas dug into my head and I looked at the time, I was five minutes late. I started to panick as I saw the empty hallway and started running but I was running fast, too fast, it was happening again. I found room ten in a matter of seconds and began to take breaths before I entered attempting not to break another door. The only seat available was next to the person who I would've least expected, Spencer. He looked up in response to my heavy breathing and his eyes widened and I walked slowly to the seat and sat down and dug my head into my arms on the table and I was still not calming down, I clutched the end of the table and squeezed listening to each snap increasing my worry until I felt an arm around my waist.
"Breath." He whispered into my ear. The only thing I was listening to now was his breathing. I slowly released my grip on the table and let arm fall. I began to ease my breathing by taking deep breaths slowing my heart rate.
"No need to worry, nobody saw you." He continued to whisper into my ear, he didn't release his grip on my waist. He didn't want to. Not yet.

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