Dead or alive

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He stared at the body for many seconds and there was a form of sadness and anger in his face.
"Did you do this?" He pointed to the body and looked at me with serious eyes.
"I—" I stood up and held his hand but he held up both hands.
"No Rose!"
"Spencer if you would just let me explain—"
"Rose, you killed someone, you killed a vampire!"
"I didn't want to kill her!" Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, his words made me believe I was a monster who just wanted to kill.
"What?" He squinted his eyes in confusion.
"When you left to hunt—"
"How did you know I was hunting?" His eyes widened.
"I was too far out for you to know I was hunting that's impossible." He flapped his arms.
"Can you let me speak?" He nodded slowly and looked down.
"The guy from my nightmares, he was here." Spencer held his chin with his finger and then lifted his head up slowly and looked at me with wide eyes an expression I hadn't seen on his face ever before.
"Wha—" I pressed one finger to his lips to silence him.
"You told me you would let me speak." I sat back down.
"He told me he could be the one to tell me what I was so I threatened him because I wanted him to leave and never see me again and he made a condition to show my true self and..." I looked at the body on the floor and saw her finger twitch.
"Woah." I slid back a little on my bed and focused on her finger.
"Spencer?" He looked at me shocked and looked at the body and back at me.
"You haven't officially killed her yet."
"Hush, my family could hear you from out here." He was the one covering my lips now.
"To kill a vampire you need to...well."
"'Burn the soul' is how Charles phrases it." I thought for a moment and then remembered the matchbox downstairs, I ran and grabbed them out of the drawer from the kitchen and rushed up the stairs again and lit a match.
"Rose stop!" He grabbed my wrist and I dropped the match, the flame was rushing towards the body and I stepped on the flames quickly, I was lucky. I thought for a second and looked up.
"What hurts vampires?"
"Well, fire or something extremely hot because that would burn their—I like your thinking Rose." He grinned at me like he knew my plans immediately.
"I want to interrogate her vampire style." I grinned back at him.
"Ok but first we need to sew her head back—" I quickly grabbed a sewing needle and wire and sewed her head back in place.
"Together..." he laughed at my finished piece, I held her head and twisted it slowly to show him remembering I twisted her head that ripped her head off.
"Done!" I smiled a bright smile at him and laughed and he smiled back warmly, I took a deep breath as his smile made my heart go crazy. The head took a gasp of air and we were both shocked and looked at it.
"You bitch!" She screamed at me and held her hand out to slap me but I grabbed her wrist.
"I'm sorry but you got in the way." I attempted to sympathise with her but she wasn't taking it. She tried to escape every now and then but I was stronger so I pushed her down into a chair.
"I know this is going to sound horrible after I basically killed you but who was the man you were guarding?"
"Like I would tell you that." She scoffed I lit a match and pointed it to her face.
"What was his name."
"Anonymous." She laughed, I stabbed the match into her hand and she screamed.
"What was his name!"
"Alexander!" She screamed.
"His name is Alexander..." she sighed in relief when I took the match out. Spencer sat against my table and looked at the matches and quickly grabbed the box and lit it and chucked it on her, she screamed in agony but it slowly faded.
"She was the one that worked with Eleanor who drained my blood, the red head's name was Ruby and that's why her hair is red." He pressed down the flames that slowly died.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"I didn't want you to know Rose." I looked down in embarrassment and then I knew there was no need for embarrassment.
"We only know if a vampire dies when the flame has died—" I pressed a finger to his lip.
"Follow me." I smiled and then grabbed his hand and ran out of the door this time I ran to the top of the waterfall.
"I was exploring this place the other night and found a pretty place here." Cherry blossoms bloomed around the waterfall and I watched as the water fell down the waterfall and it was a beautiful place.
"Listen I—" Spencer slipped out of my grip.
"Hush." I placed a finger over his mouth.
"I want this place to be a place where no vampires exist or whatever I am and no negativity." I looked deeply into his eyes and realised how close we were.
"It can happen." He smiled my favourite smile that set my heart on fire, He held my face with his hands and everything around me was perfect, the sound of the waterfall, the blossoms falling and him, he was beautiful. I couldn't wait any longer, I couldn't hide my love for him.

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