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16 hours earlier...
"She's not coming back." I knew from this moment in time that I was too late, Rose had slipped out of my fingers and I couldn't hold onto her anymore.
"You don't know that yet." Sophia looked out of the window waiting for Rose to return home.
"She isn't coming back Sophia, she made her choice." Marie stood up from her chair and threw her book onto the floor. I thought about Marie's words for a moment and how she phrased them.
"Her choice?" I turned my eyes towards Marie.
"Yes she made her choice a few days ago, Sophia was there she knew exactly what happened." Marie crossed her arms, I turned my eyes back to Sophia.
"You've seen her?" I stepped closer to her.
"Yes Spencer, I found her scent a few days ago and we spoke for a while—"
"Tell me where she is!" Anger started to rise in me and I could feel the strength pulse through me, I ignored it as they were family.
"Calm it red eyes and just listen to me!" She kicked me down into a chair.
"The poor girl didn't want to leave." Marie circled around me as Sophia righted her grip on my shoulders holding me down on the chair.
"Why would she not want to leave she was perfect safe here!"
"Spencer you don't understand!" Sophia pushed me down again but Marie took over her role as Sophia let go.
"Spencer she's happy where she is, she's relaxed and she wanted to forget about her other side of vampire so she's been acting human for a while now." Emotions flooded through me, anger, sadness confusion.
"She seemed perfectly happy without you." Marie laughed.
"You're not helping me Marie!" Marie slowly let go of my shoulders but there was no need to hold me down anymore. I couldn't move, I was too shocked to move to take everything in, she was happy without me.
"Spencer you're going to have to let her go if she doesn't return." Sophia explained and smiled in attempt to improve my mood, her smile was no longer contagious to me.
"She's already slipped out of my hands, I just don't want to stop chasing after her, not yet." I smiled slightly for about half a second.
"But—" Marie was interrupted by Sophia.
"Then don't stop chasing after her Spencer." She smiled brightly at me and I smiled back. I looked back at Marie and she was disappointed but she smiled and stood up.
"Go get her Spencer!" Marie pushed me to the door.
"Thank you, both of you." They both nodded and then Sophia's eyes widened.
"Wait!" Sophia was difficult to see as she was running around everywhere.
"Here." She handed me a piece of paper with a small address.
'Loxy Lakes, 64.'
"That's about all you need for the address, you will find her eventually." She winked and smiled slightly.
"Have fun on your trip Spencer!" Marie shouted back at me.
"And bring her back pl—" I stopped in my tracks and Sophia's pause, I went back to her as she was staring at the floor in shock.
"Sophia, what's wrong?" Marie was holding her back making sure she didn't fall, she slowly lifted her head up and a wide smile spread across her face and she laughed.
"Go Spencer." Marie looked at her confused, I followed her expression, I slowly walked back and opened the door. I was stunned, I couldn't move.

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