Meet and greet with the devil

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I'd been waking up in the middle of the night screaming and Spencer could hear me every night and come to my rescue, sometimes he would stay with me so he could be there instantly to comfort me and he was getting used to it now but he still didn't like it, and then I woke up again.
"I'm right here, it's ok." He hugged me near the end of my bed.
"Every night Spencer, I don't want to sleep anymore."
"Trust me, don't say that because if you were me you would miss it." He had a short laugh and I smiled.
"That's the smile I adore." He gently touched the side of my cheek and smiled.
"I want to drop out of college." I looked up at him with serious eyes.
"Why are we talking about that on a Saturday?"
"Because I'm thinking of emailing them today..." I looked down at a piece of cotton broken from my blanket and played with it to avoid  eye contact with him.
"But Rose you have a life to live you can't just be a vampire dropout."
"Ah, you don't know if I'm a vampire." I winked at him.
"You have all the powers of a vampire but you have human in you too and you can control your thirst which confuses me. I'm just going to call you baby vamp for now."
"Baby vamp?" I laughed at the nickname.
"I think it's cute so it's pretty similar to you right?"
"You're so corny." I rolled my eyes and looked at Spencer and then the laptop. He looked at me and then in my direction from where I was looking.
"Rose don't do—" I did my 'baby vamp' run to my chair and it shifted when I sat there and quickly opened the laptop and typed at an un-natural speed and found the college website and typed an apology email and hovered the mouse over send. A hand graced against my arm to my hand and intertwined its fingers with mine and twisted me to his direction.
"You sure you want to do this." He whispered in my ear and traced my jaw with his fingers.
"Yes." I attempted to fight off the temptation.
"So why did you stop at your baby vamp speed at hitting send." He slowly moved his face down to my neck whilst his fingers followed.
"I was just thinking about it..." I slowly let out a deep sigh and put my fingers through this hair and grazed his arms down to his hands.
"But I think you know the answer." I grabbed his hand and pressed send with his fingers and sat back on my seat and slid back crossing my arms and grinning. He sighed and rubbed his neck with his hand.
"You are driving me crazy."
"I know, You've said that a lot recently." I stepped up and walked over to him and held his jaw with one finger and whispered in his ear.
"But maybe you're driving me insane." I slid back in a fast movement to my wardrobe.
"Hmm what to wear today..." I looked at my options.
"What about—"
"Don't even try." I laughed at him from my mirror and he laughed back holding his jaw.
"Can you..." I used hand gestures to gestures him outside.
"Yeah sure." I saw him leave in a glimpse and I picked a yellow skater dress as it matched my hair also, summer was just around the corner.
I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes weren't so greeny blue anymore, they were crimson. My heart wasn't beating fast nothing was worrying me, I felt strength pulse all around my body.
"No, no, no." I put my hands to my eyes.
"Breath..." I took deep breaths for a couple seconds and then opened my eyes and they were still crimson, I gasped.
"Hello Rose." A man stood behind me and brushed my fallen hair away onto my back, his eyes were crimson like mine.
"I've been searching for you for centuries."
"Ah, ah, ah, I don't want to hurt anyone today and I see you have very strong feelings for him so it would be sad to see his head hmm maybe on the floor." He knew, he knew about my nightmares.
"Yes, I'm the one getting into your head all the time, Spencer never left you so when you kicked him out I scared a little deer and he found his opportunity to, well feed." I was relieved to know he was safe hunting after a deer and not being killed.
"Who are you?" I clenched my fists and looked at him from my mirror he looked young almost my age and his hair was dark almost black, he was astonishing but that was part of being a vampire to lure their prey.
"Well, I'm the one who will tell you what you are if you just follow me for the rest of your life." He put his nose next to my neck and took a deep breath and growled.
"No." I pushed his face away and pushed him against the mirror slowly cracking it creating a spiderweb shape.
"Well, well, well, I guess you are the strongest of them all." He grinned at me.
"I'm not playing princess in your games, I will not stand for the one having to be saved so if you do not leave now I will kill you, you've seen how strong I am in my nightmares." I glared at him and I could see the crimson in my eyes growing from a shard of mirror.
"My, you do have a temper don't you." His from grew wider, I grabbed him harder digging my nails into his skin and pushed him back into the smashed mirror causing shards to fall.
"Tell me you will leave me alone!" Anger grew inside of me, he wasn't going to hurt anyone who I loved ever because he will know the true meaning of pain.
"I will leave you alone on one condition..." he raised one finger up.
"Show your true form and I will never hurt you again." Someone pushed me into the wall next to me and their eyes were glowing red grinning mad she stood next to him almost guarding him. I stood up and ran to her and grabbed her head and cartwheeled turning her head until I landed and pulled ripping her head off. I dropped it to the floor and sighed, the strength in my body grew.
"Get. Out." It sounded like I was growling and then he clapped his hands together observing her body.
"Impressive, until next time Rose."
"There will be no next time." He raised his hands up in surrender and he disappeared just like that. I looked at the body on the floor and she had crimson red hair almost like she wanted to match her eye colour.
"Rose?" I looked to the window and Spencer stared at the body with wide eyes.

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