Chapter Sixteen: About Brave

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"What was that for!?" Was the first thing I burst out saying when he locked the door to our... his room. He acted as though he couldn't hear me and it made me sick, Hunter was a better listener... "Grey!"

"Why would you just decide to leave me?" He asked, his voice barely audible from were I was standing. I saw the pain in his eyes and it took me by surprise. "I promised I'd make things work... And I'm sorry, okay! I wasn't the mate you thought I'd be! But you just have to understand me... I need you Emily." He swallowed after this long speech as his Adams apple jiggled in nervousness.

"What's going on with you?" I asked and he walked towards the bed, sitting down and running a nervous hand through his hair.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "Please don't leave me..." He came and in a second, he was on his knees, hugging my legs like a child clinging to its mother.

"Then who's Brave?" I had to use this opportunity and if he'd just flip and yell, I'll  be out in a flash and running for Hunter. Instead, he swallowed hard and remained quiet for a moment before standing up and walking to the drawer. He opened it, looking reluctant and took out the frame that I broke, but now, it was even better than before.

"Brave...." He sighed, looking up to meet my eyes, I could see how hard it was for him to tell me, with the way his eyes were becoming red and soaked, I could tell she meant a lot to him. "She was my first mate."

There it was.

That makes a lot more sense, his attitude, his over protectiveness towards her pictures.... The poem... Next to her grave.

I was at a loss for words and I barely understood a thing.

He walked to me and tipped my chin up to face him. His eyes gave out the gentle side I had never seen before from him, he was being honest and that wasn't a lie.

"Emily.... I'm sorry for keeping this from you." He said and I looked at him with a frown as I looked at the picture in his hands. Taking it, I held it up to my face. She was beautiful and I understand why he loves her so much, this must be his real mate.

"She was beautiful," I smiled at him and he looked at the floor, giving me a slight smile that was weak and painful. "You must have loved her so much... What happened?"

"She...she fell from a cliff and into a fast flowing river that was on the verge of flooding the closer areas, I... I tried to save her but she got buried along with everything else that was carried away with the water. Once the river died down I looked desperately for her only to discover she was long gone... Pale..." He swallowed and looked at the window, revisiting his dark past. "I couldn't save her..."

I stared at him as he fought back the tears. I reached out and touched his shoulder then hugged him to me, feeling as though it was the right thing to do at the moment. He then pulled away and this time looked into my eyes with sorrow.

"I... I know you'll hate me but...," He sighed. "after a year, I realised I couldn't stand being alone, having felt what love was with Brave, I wanted it back and I knew she wouldn't come out of the grave, Jacob advised me to talk to the Moon goddess for advice. I did and she told me I can choose between living my life moaning over Brave or finding another mate. I agreed and she granted my wish, showing me that it was you."

I looked at the floor and sighed. Everything suddenly made a bit of sense now.

"She also told me that you have someone destined to you..." He said weakly, Hus voice cracking as though he was gurgling water in his mouth. "I knew one day you two would meet, but I was afraid of the day, because I knew after all I've done to you... You'd leave me. I'm sorry."

I couldn't forgive him, but now that it's so clear about his attitude, he doesn't need more pressure.

"I've forgiven you, Grey." I said and he sighed out in relief, easing his shoulders. "But... How do think Hunter feels? He's lonely too and I'm he's real mate." I tried to explain in a gentle way as possible but it only stung at him like a thousand bees, I know. But the truth is important. He's stealing me from Hunter, my rightful mate.

"Emily... Please don't say that..." He said, tears streaming down his face and I knew I've touched his most sensitive side. "I... I can't ....I won't let you go."

"Grey," I groaned and stared at him. "How-"

"Please...." He whispered and I frowned, looking at the floor. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pressed our lips together.

I flashed my eyes open in shock as he cupped my cheeks, deepening the kiss. I tried to push him away but he resisted. I couldn't believe this, not one little piece of it. He knew too well about Hunter and that he needed me much more but he chose to help himself.

He didn't know he was being selfish.

But I understand him even more now. He's been hiding all of this? Torturing me just because he... Didn't want to lose me? It never made sense.

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