Thirty Eight: forgot

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I unbuttoned my shirt and neatly laid it on the bed, grabbing my black blouse and putting it on immediately.

I walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, fixing my hair into a lazy bun and walked back in where Hunter was still typing away on his laptop.

I sat next to him and pulled out my phone for the first time tonight. Night shifts really brought the brain into distress, but today was different, since it was Friday, they didn't want me to spend all my time at work.

I checked the time, 9:39pm.

"How was Scarlet's performance?" I asked, glancing up at him and he suddenly froze, looking shocked. "You missed it!?"

"I just forgot... Oh God..." He sighed, leaning back against the pillow, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"She's not in bed?" I quickly got up, rushing out of the room and into the corridor, running straight for her room, I opened it, nothing. She wasn't in, her back pack wasn't there, her shoes....

I rushed into Lily and Tacce's room, hoping she was in there, but no.

I turned and Hunter was walking past in a hurry, zipping up his jacket, I followed him behind, not bothering to grab a jersey or something warm.

"I can't believe you!" I yelled in anger, throwing my arms all around, "you completely forgot to even pick her up!?"

"I got caught up in work, babe. I'm sorry." He said, looking frustrated as he opened the front door. I couldn't leave the kids alone in the house.

"Keep that sorry to yourself, give me the keys, I'll look for my baby, alone," I ran to him, trying to grab the keys and he resisted, holding them high above me. "Hunter!"

"Just stay with the kids, I'll look for her, you're just coming from work you need to rest." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't rest knowing my daughter is still out there at 9:40pm. What's wrong with you? She trusted you and now this? Never mind we'll talk after you get her, hurry up!" I shoved him into the car and he sighed, starting the car and backed out of the garage and into the road.

I unlocked my phone and called her school, hoping she didn't wonder off alone.

"Yes, hello, I'm Mrs Smith and I'm calling for Scarlet Smith, her father didn't take her and his on his way, is she still around? No!? She left all alone!? An hour ago!? Oh God!" I cut and quickly dialed Hunter's number. "Hunter she's not at school! Find her! She could be anywhere!"

I threw my head back in distress as tears blurred my eyes. I fell on my knees as I hugged myself and rocked my body.

I can't believe Hunter. I can't believe him.

I stood up and paced back and forth, ignoring the coldness eating at me. Worriedly thinking of Scarlet, I'll pay for the school bus, yes, I don't want to rely on Hunter any more.

Or better, I'll excuse myself from work everyday to get her from school and attend all her performances.

I stopped when I heard sobbing, I looked at both sides of the streets until I saw Scarlet, dragging her trophy and crying.

"Scarlet!" I ran for her, a weak smile making it to my face. I fell on my knees and wrapped my arms around her and she did the same, dropping her trophy and crying on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry Scarlet, I wish I had known he hadn't picked you up, are you okay sweetie? Any bad scratch?"

"If daddy was here, he wouldn't have forgotten me, I waited for him to come but he didn't, I waited for him to pick me up but he didn't, I don't want him any more, he'll never be my second dad, he's the worst, he only cares about lily and Tacce but not me." She whined and I nodded in agreement, picking her and her trophy off the ground and took her inside, kicking the door closed as I walked up the stairs and into her room.

I placed her down on her bed and simply sent Hunter a message to notify him she was here. I went under the covers with her, letting her lay her head on my chest.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." I whispered and she clenched my shirt tightly.

"It's his fault not yours mum, I'll never forgive him, I don't want him to even take me to that birthday thing, I don't want him to do anything for me ever again, I want daddy to come here on my birthday that's all." She said.

"I'm sorry," I brushed my hand against her hair. "Are you hungry? I can make both of us something simply to eat."

"I ate a lot of chocolate and I'm full." She said, yawning.

"That will never happen again Scarlet." I said, and she nodded.

"I don't want him to take me or drop me off to school, I want you to do that, please?"

"I will sweetheart, when I'm late don't go anywhere okay? Just stay in class and I'll pass by." I said and she nodded.

"I love you mum." She whispered and I chuckled.

"I love you too, Scarlet." I said and she shut her eyes, trying to sleep after the long walk, I can't believe Hunter.

The door opened and Hunter walked in, looking scared and shocked. I frowned at him and motioned for him to go away but he walked up instead.

"Scarlet," he called her and when she opened her eyes, she raised the blanket over her head.

"She won't talk to you, Hunter, just go get some rest." I said but he was too stubborn to listen.

"Scarlet, I'm sorry, okay? It will never happen again." He said but she didn't respond, he reached out and uncovered her head and she snapped in anger.

"Just leave me alone! You don't care about me so just go! Go to Tacce and lily! I don't want you to ever step in my room again! You're mean and bad! I'll never take you as my daddy ever again so just... Just go!" She cried and I hugged her to my chest, glaring towards Hunter.

"Hunter." I frowned and he sighed, standing up.

"I'll be in our room." He said in a low voice as he walked out and shut the door.

"Ssh, it's okay, sleep Scarlet." I cooed and she sucked in a shaky breath before stopping slowly.

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