Chapter Ten: cold silence

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He wasn't talking at all and it worried me beyond my own expectations. I wanted to ask who Brave was but with his condition, it might make things worse.

His eyes looked a pale blue as he stabbed his beef with no emotion. I swallowed hard as my throat felt dry. So this must be how he felt when I wasn't talking? I bet with him, this was way worse, because he looked dead but alive.

I washed down my throat with some juice instead of wine, trying to washing off all the uncomfortable feelings and food at the same time.

He didn't look at me even for the slightest moment as he tried to eat his meal that was eventually bound to turn cold.

His beta sat with his mate on the other side, just across from us as they both shot worried stares at each of between me and Grey.

"Grey... Say something..." I whispered and touched his hand that forced his muscle under my touch to twitch. I sighed, letting go of him in an instant as I glanced down at my plate.

"Something I should know?" Jacob asked and I flashed an apologetic smile towards him.

"Don't think so," I said looking down. I felt like I deserved this anyway. I did it to him, so why shouldn't he?

But I told the truth.... Okay.. I don't know anymore.

"Um... We have to make the wedding preparations, let's start with the easy ones, say.... The theme," Jacob said as a maid handed him a tablet from behind before stepping back into her previous spot. "What do you think? Dark and suspicious? Bright and cheerful? Mild and exciting? Straight and plain? Simple and traditional?"

"What do you think Grey?" I glanced up at him but he didn't look at me for the slightest moment. At this point, no one existed to him except his own thoughts. " about simple and traditional? It's kinda fun."

"Oooh! My favourite!" His mate giggled as she clasped her hands together, nearly frightening me to death. "Aw Jacob, we should have a double wedding!"

"Not a bad idea," I smiled and she expands with giggles. "More fun. What do you think Grey?"


I got nothing.

This was boiling my blood as I blushed and looked at my laps in embarrassment towards Jacob's mate. She's happy with hers and I'm just worn out with mine.

"Grey, is something wrong?" Jacob asked as he gently placed down the tablet.

Grey looked up to meet his eyes and my heart sunk in sorrow. His eyes looked darker than ever and his skin pale as though he was experiencing a tragic sickness or something close to death.

"Yes," he replied, not looking at me even for a second.

"Care to explain?" Jacob asked and he shook his head in denial. "Okay, maybe later."

I sealed my lips. I talk to him, he doesn't answer. I deserve it anyway for not talking to him for five days or so.

"Sorry," his mate whispered to me and tears soaked my eyes. It was painful just to think about it.

I clasped my hands together and smiled, just to mask my sorrowful expression.

"Anything else?" I directed my attention towards Jacob who narrowed his eyes at Grey. "Jacob?"

"Oh." he cleared his throat, looking onto the tablet. "Anything about the cake?"

"I want ours white with black strips and two people dancing atop," his mate said as she waved her hands in the air. He chuckled and she smiled at him in admiration.

I wish I wasn't so hard on Grey....

"Emily?" He called and I snapped out of my thoughts of admiration and gazed at him.

"Oh... Let's skip that for when Grey's finally talking." I said embarrassingly and I felt Grey stiffen.

"Okay," Jacob nodded slowly. "Um... Colour code."

"Ohh! Red should definitely be there," his mate squirreled in excitement. "Luna?"

"Um... Grey?" I asked and blushed when I realised I mentioned that name. "Wait.... As in... The colour..."

"Sure," he smiled warmly at me and I frowned, looking away. "I think I'd pick Champaign. The colour,"

"Okay," his mate said as she laced their fingers together. "Oh, Emily, by the way, I'm Renee."

"Oh," I smiled. "Nice to know your name." We laughed.

"Next thing is-" Jacob was interrupted by Grey who stood up and left the table without a word. I glanced at him, following with my eyes as he exited the hall. "Anyway, next thing is the place."

"Oh!" Renee raised her hand and giggled, "I was thinking... Ice falls!"

Perfect. The place that was at the tip of my mind. I can't believe myself. I'm actually participating when the one who forced me didn't say a word.

I groaned and looked at the empty door instead, letting shame consume me.

"Emily," I sighed and glanced towards Jacob.

"Please, tell me, I might know how to handle him." Jacob pleaded with innocent eyes and I shut my eyes in defeat, knowing too well he would diniftly tame this beast lurking inside of Grey.

"I... I told him that he doesn't love me for me but just wanted the love from his mate, I know it sounds complicated and childish but it's the truth. I don't think he does like me for me and... I think it came out all wrong..."

I glanced up at him and noticed his red shot eyes together with Renee. He looked away and down to his tablet, avoiding eye contact with me as Renee plaited her shoulder length hair and looked elsewhere.

"It's the truthful right?" I asked. "What are you hiding from me?"

"It's best he tells you himself other than a second wheeler." Jacob said as he stood up and ran a nervous hand through his hair. "We'll talk about this in the evening. After dinner. How does that sound?"

"Okay," I nodded slowly and stood up. "So there is something up with him?"

"Find out?" He shrugged with a small smile as I sighed, walking out.

Blood Walkers (A Once In A Bluemoon Novel Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now