Chapter Thirty-three: The City

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Hunter was ahead, clearing the path as I rode on Grey, holding tightly with Scarlet wrapped around my chest.

She was sound asleep and very silent that it sometimes frightened me.

I looked up from her and towards Hunter's gorgeous black wolf, growling menacingly and in preparation for attack. I looked down at Scarlet and couldn't resist to smile proudly at her as she slept without a care in the world. I jerked my head up at the sound of Hunter's whimper, setting my heart ablaze. He was knocked off his feet and crushed dangerously to the ground as a man with venomous red eyes and sharp fangs pinned him to the floor.

He struggled to get up from the grip as the vampire was too strong for him to handle. Before I could scream Hunter's name, I found myself rolling across the ground, lucky enough I had thought quick and shielded Scarlet so my weight wouldn't go on her tiny body.

When I reached a stop, I flashed my eyes open, instantly checking if Scarlet was okay. She was crying and had a small bruise on her forehead that might be causing her so much pain. I quickly got to my knees and rocked her slowly while gently wiping the spot of blood on her forehead.

"It's okay... Sssh." I rocked her but she couldn't stop crying. The loud thud coming from Grey's impact to a tree caught me off guard completely. I glanced towards the direction of Hunter only to spot the man staring right at me. He grinned and ran for me, faster than I could blink and before he got to even touch me, Hunter had his teeth sinking into the flesh of the vampire around the waist.

He managed to thrush him high into the air and completely went out of sight, for now. Hunter glanced at me with worry but was suddenly tackled to the ground, now by a seemingly shorter vampire with silver hair. Looked of around six if not seven. But they're vampires, who knows how old he is.

I snapped out of thought when I heard Hunter scream in pain, noticing he was in his human form now.

The boy had broken his shoulder and was now tempting to twist his head. I screamed out for Hunter as fear gripped me.

I got up without a thought, leaving Scarlet gently on the ground and ran for Hunter. The boy readied to twist his head and everything seemed to freeze in time. But that moment didn't last when a brown wolf leaped from the shadows and bit at the small boy.

They crushed a few feet from Hunter and when I got to him, he was sweating and tears were on his face from the pain he was harbouring. I cupped his cheeks as I took in his pain, trying to absorb it.

He flashed his eyes open when the new wolf's cry reached our ears. We both glanced towards the wolf in pain, flinching on the floor.

"Tacce!!" Hunter screamed as he got up, transforming even though in pain, he growled as he charged at the small boy, who grinned and ran into the woods.

I ran back for Scarlet who was still crying and picked her up as Grey walked to us, still in his wolf form.

I glanced at Hunter's wolf that whimpered while trying to move the dead human form of Tacce on the ground with his nose.

"Hunter..." I sighed, stroking is head. "We have to go. "

Hunter looked at him for the last time then to me and nodded.

"You should turn back, aren't you hurt?" I asked but he ignored me and walked ahead, still angry.

I nodded at his action and rode back on Grey who sprinted into the forest once I was on, his claws working their way into the ground.

Screams and blood filled the air and I wondered if Renee, Jacob, Max and Glory were okay.

I looked down at Scarlet and smiled at her when she was quiet and staring at me almost in wonder.

"You're safe," I whispered to her and kissed her bruised forehead. "You're safe."

Hunter wasn't limping as before but was now running like a normal wolf. We ran further from the blood war, and I realized we were heading towards the human city.

Blood Walkers (A Once In A Bluemoon Novel Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now