Chapter Thirteen:Thrown out.

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I flashed my eyes open only to see a bright white light so close to my eyes. Giving me a moment to think I had died only to be proven wrong when the object emitting the light became clear. I groaned and waved my hands in front of me to move it away somehow.

"She's okay." A female voice said and the light moved from me, only to view a red head woman in a white doctor's coat. Her body well figured and curved, her skin a slight brown not from tan but just naturally and smooth. She held out a notepad and scribbled on some notes before nodding to herself. "Had an asthma attack."

"Thanks." Grey's voice came in before the doctor span around and exited the room. That's when I noticed we were in Grey's room taking from the honey coloured blub that gave out a refreshing sight as it cast its light at everything in sight.

I groaned and sighed out, looking at Grey who was sitting by the edge of the bed, staring down at me as if he had expected something like this to happen. No hint of a care in the world surrounded him and it sent horrors to the tips of my hair.

"You must have been stupid enough to go that far." He said blankly and I rolled away from him, facing the window as tears invaded my eyes. A heavy stone settled at the top of my heart and planted itself in. Making me feel more heavier in sorrow.

"Okay." I whispered and shut my eyes. Absorbing the lonely empty feeling floating all around me, whispering sweet nothings into my hearing ears.

Why can't you just be the mate I was praying for?

I clenched the pillow and squeezed my eyes tight as I tried to hold back the empty lonely tears that surrendered to my feelings.

"Emily?" His voice just made it worse as they let my tears overrule me, falling endlessly over my face.

"I want to be alone." I whispered and I felt his hand stroke my neck gently and with care that sent shivers down my spine. He sighed heavily and shoved the hair off my face, examining me from the side.

"I'm sorry." He whispered gently and stroked my cheek with his thumb, slowly wiping away the warm tears which he seemed oblivious to.

"For what?" I asked, my voice hoarse and plain as I turned to face him. His eyes widened when he saw the tears that flooded my face, making me red and puffed up around the eyes. "For not being the mate I thought I'd have? Well you're forgiven." I rolled my eyes sarcastically even though it brought pain in them and laid back against the pillow.

He clenched his jaw and looked at the portrait. His eyes shadowed and I knew I had flicked a switch in him, or there was something about that portrait that I couldn't quiet understand.

He sighed, standing up and left the room in a matter of seconds, giving me a feeling that he didn't want to be in here. I suspected he was forced by Jacob.

I shoved my face into my pillow and screamed out in sorrow.

Why can't you understand me! ....


Why can't I understand him?

I suddenly went on my elbows and scanned the room until my eyes landed on the drawer he shoved Brave's picture in.

I got off the bed and searched the room for the key to the drawer. Feeling every inch of the floors, walls and furniture, I finally found it behind the portrait holding an amulet on a small hook.

I rushed back to the drawer and landed on my feet as I opened it slowly. There were many pictures of her in here and a wilting red rose on top of a picture with a wooden glass  frame.

I gently held it up and examined the picture. Couldn't be his mother, they look the same age. Sister?

I took a closer look at it and turned it over until I found many scribbles on the back.

I loved you, why did you leave me?

I read one sentence and many questions burst into my mind.

You were the only one I cared about.

I slowly stroked the picture and turned it, examining the picture of her then back again to the scribbles on the back, still failing to solve the puzzle.

The rains fell down
But never matched my tears
They watered the ground
And left in fear

I feel the pain
I hear the rain
It never seems to go away
To my dismay.

Please come back
And raise the pack.

I can't live
Because you've left.

Brave.... Give me a chance...

That's it!

I have come to a conclusion....

I don't know poems.

If I understood them, I'd have solved the puzzle ages ago but it's pointless now. I can't understand a bit of anything and it's complex writing is just complicated.

"What... The Hell!" I turned in shock only to spot him by the door. I stood up and hugged the frame to my chest. Fear blanketed me in many layers when I read out his angered expression.

His eyes had a glowing yellow layered with a sharp visible green outline. Giving him a deadly sight to see.

"I'm... Sorry... But... I just want to know who Bra-"

"Get. Out." He said through gritted teeth. I gasped and stared at him in horror at his straight, deep but faint voice.


"Get out! Get the hell out of my room!" He yelled and I shrunk back, squeezing the frame to my chest only to hear it break and the glass cut up my wrist. Deep enough to make it bleed.

I looked down at the broken photo and gasped in fear.

"Oh.. I'm sorry i-"

"Get out!" He lunged towards me and gripped my wounded arm tightly, squeezing out a bit of blood of which he was oblivious to and snatched the picture from me, throwing me towards the door with so much unneeded force.

I looked at him in shock as he eyed the picture in increased anger, he clenched his jaw tightly, breathing heavily through his nose.

I quickly got up and ran out the room. Not wanting to see what will happen if I stayed any longer.

I ran into the corridor only to meet up with Jacob who was currently on his tablet device to notice me quickly.

"Oh God..." He glanced at my arm that I quickly hid behind me and sighed, shoving the strands off my face together with the tears. "Grey...." He sighed, shutting his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose tightly before looking up at me again. "I'm sorry."

"Just tell me who Brave is..." I whispered too low, but he heard it loud and clear.

He stiffened and put on a fake slight smile. "I don't really know. Grey will tell you."

"He just threw me out of his room when I'm hurt, he doesn't care about me. I'm coming from being in the state of unconsciousness and he ...." I looked away. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Emily, just get some rest," He said and I sighed out a shaky breath as I gazed back at Grey's door.

Blood Walkers (A Once In A Bluemoon Novel Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now