Chapter Five: the death

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I ventured into the cold metallic hallway that branched into different cells. I looked into every cell, trying to see if I can find one of my friends or my people. After some long minutes of searching, I finally found a few of my friends who looked shocked to see me.

"Aren't you supposed to stay?" An annoying man asked as he poked my cheek playfully.

"Not a chance, hurry, I don't want him to find out." I rushed out of the cell and looked further for Ellen's cell. Walking into the darker corners of the metallic hallway, I finally found Ellen's cell exactly how I remembered it to look like.

She was lying on the floor, her hair tangled in a mesh and covered her face. She looked pale from where i was standing and cold, which brought shivers down my spine as my thoughts trailed to the worst.

"Ellen..." I half slid half ran to her almost lifeless body. The closer I got, the more I noticed a faint black smudge on her lower lip and I quickly stroked the smudge from her lip and brought it closer to my nose, sniffing it out. Identifying the very contents of the liquid in seconds. "Poison..." My heart silenced instantly and my knees couldn't support my upper body any longer, forcing me to a fall.

I quickly supported myself onto my elbows as I fell next to her body.

"Ellen..." I whispered as I reached my hand out for her chin, lifting her head up a bit to face me. "You can't be..."

She didn't utter a word as her body paled and turned a deadly cold that seemed to freeze the tip of my fingers. The silence around her whispered nothing but painful death messages. Telling me she had died a few minutes before I had arrived.

Behind her, I noticed a man, staring right at me as he tried to hide himself in the darkness with his boot being the only thing touching the light from the window outside. I stared at him as his eyes slowly grew wide with a sudden hint of fear.

I rose to my elbows, eyeing him as he shifted, trying to squeeze himself into the corner, hopefully hoping he'd disappear.

"Why?" I asked and yet it came out more of a whisper. "What did she do to you!"

"I was told... I..." He swallowed hard as he stepped into the light, his Adam's apple raised and fell almost as though it was dropping off his neck. "Please..."

"Who sent you?" I asked and he shivered. shutting his eyes as his body shock dangerously.

He wasn't okay....

He fell to the ground with a thud, his body twisting as he chocked suddenly. A glass bottle broke before him and its contents coloured the floor.

He poisoned himself....

I ran to him as he chocked and coughed out blood that mixed up with the poison that still coated his mouth.

"Why did you do this!" I asked as fear enveloped me. He was dying as his eyes rolled up into his head.

"She... She..." He chocked, failing to speak out. "She was innocent..... And... And....I k-k-killed her..."

His chest rose as he inhaled a huge amount of air then stopped in the process, not letting the air escape. His eyes bulged out as I saw death in them. He was gone without a shadow of a doubt..

His body let out the compressed air eventually and in an instant, his eyes shut.

I slowly laid his head to the ground and sighed as tears invaded my eyes.


I got up, rushing out of the room with my fists tight to the point they turned pale. I passed by the rest of my surviving pack and headed for the dinning Hall, the same place I left Grey. I felt the need to take away his sins by killing him. Lucky for him, my wolf wasn't with me. It never was...

The guards by the large doors whipped their heads at the pack behind me, both jumped in fright and stepped forward, blocking the door.

"Move aside!" I yelled but they simply looked at each other and growled at me.

"Luna, return those prisoners back to their cells." They both said as their eyes shifted to a bright yellow and blue.

"I said, move aside." I warned and they narrowed their eyes at me, fixing themselves onto the ground, ready for anything.

"They won't attack," I sighed and they straightened their back, their eyes still on the verge of transformation.

"They don't get in," the one with the bright blue transformation hissed and I nodded in agreement. I shoved them both out of my way and walked towards the doors, pushing them open with such force that they swung too hard and hit the walls with such force.

Up ahead was Grey, sitting on his throne made of animal skin and stone, staring down at a small crowd of people who wore a deep shade of black. They all turned to face me as I walked to Grey, who had eventually shifted his gaze towards me. No expression in his dark eyes.

"What did you do!" I yelled in anger and he simply watched me cross the floor and finally got to where he was sitting. "Who do you think you are!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked in a much lower voice, probably trying not to be heard by the visitors he had.

"You killed Ellen! How dare you!" I grabbed his collar and forced him to his feet. Our faces inches apart as I glared into his dark eyes.

Despite the fact that I knew too well he was an alpha and had to be respected, he had no right to take away what his mate valued in life.

"I didn't do anything wrong." He defended as he shoved me from him, causing me to fall, nearly falling over the stairs. "She tried to kill me, I was saving my life."

"You jerk!" I lunged for him and punched him in the face. Unexpectedly, I was the one that got hurt and he didn't even budge from where he was standing.

I held onto my injured fist and flinched in pain as I looked up at him only to have him roll his eyes and sit back down.

"So this must be your mate?" a cold voice said behind me. I turned only to have my eyes land on a grey skinned, tall but slim man.

His locks hang loose to his shoulders as he looked directly at me, studying me, searching my inners.

He grinned as his eyes shifted to a deep red from an ocean blue. He held his hands behind him as he straightened his back and tilted his head.

"How interesting." He pointed out as his voice brought shivers down my spine.

"She's not my mate." Grey suddenly said and for a brief moment, a pain pierced my heart for some odd reason. He just rejected me.

This is what you wanted, right?

Why does it hurt so much to finally hear it?

I slowly turned to face him. He looked back at me. I shut my eyes, breathing in and nodded.

"Yeah." I said as I swallowed. "He's not." I looked back at the man.

"So sad." He still grinned, taking a step back. "But you can't fool the dead, we're not blind."

"Huh?...." I gasped and that's when I realised what they were.


Blood Walkers (A Once In A Bluemoon Novel Series #1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now