Chapter Eleven: Luna!?

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I reached the room and found him stroking a picture with his thumb harding sensing my presence. His eyes were a deep red as he clenched his jaw tightly.

I slowly walked to him, he was completely oblivious to fact that I was in the room or he was just ignoring me.

I got a glimpse of the girl. She had darling long black hair that was in a tight ponytail with big blue eyes, just like Grey. She had a deep red shade of lips and slightly tanned skin probably from the sun. She was standing next to Grey who was smiling widely with his arm around her waist. A smile I've never actually seen him with.

Because you never made him smile! All you did was make him angry!

I sighed, catching his attention almost instantly. That's when I saw it....


The name was just below the picture, carved on the frame in bright writing.

He tossed it into a drawer, floored with a red pillow and shut it, locking it up but didn't utter a word as brushed past against me, our shoulders hitting harshly together.

I shut my eyes and sighed as tears threatened to fall.

"Grey... Um... Wanna have a swim by Ice falls?" I bit my lower lip as he froze by the door, clenching his fists tightly and I felt the heat radiating from him.

"No thanks," he said through gritted teeth, but as if planned, Jacob appeared by the doorway in beach boxers sided by Renee who was in a dashing bikini, holding a picnic basket high enough for us to see.

"Aw come on Grey!" Jacob slapped his shoulder rather harshly. "Let's have some fun."

"I said-"

"Yay! Then let's go!" Renee interrupted Grey deliberately and rushed in to grab my wrist. She pulled me to the bathroom and left me in seconds, standing in the empty cold bathroom only to come in with a black bikini and black flip-flops.

"Wait, how did you know I was telling him that?" I whispered towards her and she winked.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, I kinda mind-linked your conversation." She blushed, looking away as she straightened. "I just want to help you out. Jacob never told me anything about Brave and I want to know."

"What... You're not from this pack?"

"I was just a wanderer. Until I met Jacob, he was hunting and he saw me....and," she sighed, drifting off to nowhere. "Anyway, you get the point, now come on!"

She pulled me out and I blushed at the sight of Grey who was currently in a boxers and a tight black gripping vest that pressed so well against his firm broad chest. Jacob stood right beside him, whispering something into his ear before turning to us.

"Done? Great, let's go?" He came over and snatched Renee from me with an evil smirk on his face, trapping her in his arms. He winked at me then signaled me to Grey who was currently looking at me with wide shocked eyes... Or was it curious eyes....

They were first to leave before Grey stood up and let me pass first. At least he was coming back to his normal self. It felt like I poisoned him. Plus, the only thing I have to be careful with everything I do, is that if I don't play along, I won't get to know who Brave was. A twin? Sister? Girlfriend?

I went straight into the closed door, banging my face against it all of a sudden and stumbled back, stroking the bruised area on my forehead as I tried to brush off the pain. I glanced over my shoulder and blushed when I saw Grey looking at me in confusion and a bit of annoyance.

I pulled the door open and the warmness enveloped me instantly as we walked down a small sandy path. The whole walk was quiet and the atmosphere was just too hot that small droplets of sweat appeared on my forehead. I walked beside Grey who never uttered a word to me except for Jacob and Renee, so I kept my mouth shut and zipped it up not to get myself embarrassed.

"Here we are!" Surprisingly, there were a few more wolves around. Swimming, talking, laughing...

Most of them had to be mates.

Coming to think of it. How on earth haven't I seen a pup around? All nothing but couples and a countable number of loners.

"Emily!" Renee shouted and I stopped before I could stumble over a couple that was eating each other's faces on a beach towel. I blushed and quickly went around them. "Oops! Sorry! I meant Luna...oh God..."

"It's okay," I shrugged, placing my hands on my hips and tilted my head a bit to the side with a warm smile, "call me anything you want. Luna, Emily, Em,"

That's when I saw it. Grey looked directly into my eyes with shock and didn't look away when I stared at him a moment longer.

Figures, I said 'Luna,' the very word I said I never wanted to be called if it had anything to do with Grey.

I looked at my feet and sighed instead. This was going to be a long day....

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