Chapter 1: Get Away from Miss Abby!

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Chloe's P.O.V.

"Chloe! Stop with your phone! It's time to go to dance!" My mom shouted. I groaned because I was starting to get tired of dance. With Miss Abby screaming and yelling at us, there is no way one could ever survive one whole lesson of dance. No way.

I finally put down my phone and changed to some shorts, a white tank top and a dark blue fishnet sweater. I tied my hair in a bun, grabbed my dance bag and rushed down the stairs. Then, me and my mom drove to the dance studio.

I saw Paige and Maddie at the dancers den. They ran over to hug me. Soon after I came, Kendall came. Together we gossiped about Miss Abby.

"Miss Abby is a whale," said Paige. We all laughed.

"No...Not to that extend but I think Miss Abby is as big as a bull hippo," Kendall chuckled.

" elephant!" said Maddie.

We argued playfully. Sure Miss Abby may be fat, but she might come in anytime and hear the mean things we said about her. So I suggested that we play some hand games like rock, paper, scissors instead.

After that, we stretched. Then we headed to studio A. Abby was there. She frowned at us. We realised that Payton was there. She gave us an "evil" glare.

Nobody dared to stand next to Payton. We spaced out from her.

Maddie used to be Abby's ultimate favourite. Until Maddie screamed at Abby for making us cry A LOT of times. Then Abby was angry and started watching another person, who is Payton.

Now Payton is like the teacher's pet.

Abby announced what we will be going to do for the competition this weekend. She snapped her fingers a few times. "Alright," she began.

"Payton, you will be doing an acro solo that Brooke once did. It is called 'Garden of Eden'. I want you to do this better than how Brooke did it," said Abby.

Brooke looked as if she wanted to say, "Payton's too fat to do acro'.

"Mackenzie, you will also be doing a solo called 'Beautiful'. It is hip-hop, and Chloe actually did it. But I'm gonna change the choreography a little bit."

Mackenzie faked a smile. I wish Mackenzie the best for this dance.

"Good job!" I congratulated Mackenzie, and this time she really did smile.

"Now, Kendall, Nia and Maddie, you will be doing a trio called 'Cowgirls'. You will be doing really basic dance moves. Sorry Maddie," Abby said with a chuckle.

Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Chloe and Payton will be doing a lyrical duet called 'Two Birds'," Abby announced.

NOOOOO!!! Not Payton! This is the worst piece of news I've heard in my entire life!

"Sorry Paige and Brooke. You will only be taking part in the group dance. The group dance is a ballet dance that is called 'Saucers and a Teapot'. The teapot will be Payton. That means she will be the lead dancer," Abby finished.

Oh my gosh. How can Payton suddenly be the lead? I would prefer Brooke or Maddie. But that also means Payton might have to wear an ugly costume. That would make her look bad on stage.

I had a private with Miss Abby. I mean of course with Payton, since we're doing a duet. As I was doing a pirouette, Payton pushed me down. I hurt my leg. Miss Abby laughed.

Suddenly, Paige came into the studio and helped me up. Then Paige yelled, "Miss Abby, you are so malicious! You are a dance teacher, yet you laugh when your students fall!"

Abby was startled. She asked me to get out and leave. Well good. I've had enough of her crap now.

Tonight we all were having a sleepover at Maddie and Mackenzie's. Payton was not invited. At least this would help me cool down.

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