Chapter 7: Angry Abby

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No One's P.O.V.

Abby waited for the girls to settle down.

She wanted to discuss about the MDS.

"So, did anyone really supported MDS?" Abby asked.

Payton raised her hands slightly, but Abby did not notice it.

"I will set up pranks. And Sarah and Jade will be in charge of them," Abby explained.

Sarah and Jade hugged, and shaked hands and their moms Tracey and Loree smiled at each other

"The rest of you do nothing but mock the MDS in your heart," said Abby.

Kamryn looked a little uneasy. Kamryn felt that Chloe and the rest were her friends, and decided that she did not want to part of this bozo crap.

"Mom, why is Abby so annoying?" Kamryn asked Jodi, her mom.

Jodi shrugged.

"Well if you wanna leave, then it's totally fine. Because I'm sick and tired of that fat idiot Christy," Jodi replied.

"I actually wanna join the MDS," Kamryn said, a thought popped in her mind.

"But.....okay fine," Jodi answered as if she did not want to let her mother down.

"Kamryn! Enough rambling with your mom! It's time to rehearse!" Abby screamed angrily from the studio downstairs.

Kamryn rushed downstairs.

At the MDS, they were having pointe lessons. Several girls and boys had joined.

"Maddie, you need to work on your pointe pirouettes," the instructor pointed out.

Well, at least it wasn't harsh like Abby's words.

They were working on a pointe group dance with the other several boys and girls. Their names were Alex, Tom, Kylie and Brielle.

"Brielle, great job. You have been doing great ever since you came here last week! You really need to be rewarded by Kelly," the instructor praised.

The class applauded. Well, at least less tears are shedded here than at Abby's.

After the class ended, Kelly came into the studio and passed out the forms about the competition. She also brought a bag of m&ms and gave it out to the whole class.

"Progress here has been very good. I have to say, Abby is really not doing well with her new team. But we are not competing against them this weekend," Kelly explained

"Good!" Brooke, Chloe and Paige shouted out at the same time.

Everyone laughed.

Back in the apartment, everyone had to do chores. Chloe and Brooke helped Christi and Kelly cook dinner, Paige and Maddie helped Holly decorate the house more and Nia, Kendall and Kenzie helped Jill sweep and mop the floor.

Melissa did the laundry and each of the girls had to clean their own beds.

After dinner, the girls gathered in Chloe, Paige, Maddie and Kenzie's room.

"So what's the subject?" Paige asked.

"Abby Lee Miller. aka Abby Fat Goat," Kenzie answered.

"I will never forget that time when Abby said Chloe's lazy eye was ugly and she needed to fix it. I mean, Chloe was born like that," Kendall pointed out.

Chloe's face turned sad.

"Really? I don't really know if it happened," Brooke said, confused.

"It was in Season 4.5. You guys weren't brought back yet," Nia replied.

Brooke and Paige nodded.

"How pathetic that Abby convinced you in a smart way, begging you and buying you stuff just to get you guys back to the ALDC. But it returns as just revenge," Maddie mumbled.

"Yeah. When I was kicked out of rehearsal cause Abby said my face was too ugly to look at," Kenzie sobbed a little, looking down at her feet.

"Such a bee-otch," Paige repiled.

After it was half past 11, the all went to bed.

"Ring!!!!" The telephone in Chloe, Paige, Maddie and Kenzie's Room rang.

Paige got up to pick it up.

"Umm, Hello? Who is this?" Paige asked.

"Oh hello. It this Paige Hyland? Paige Mackenzie Hyland?" The person on the phone asked.

"Umm yes. What do you want?" Paige mumbled, her stomach felt like it was shrinking.

"Paige Hyland. Seventeen year old whore. Go f yourself. No one likes you. Try and act sexy. Because no one will go and date you. You're f***ing ugly. You look really different from season 1 and 2. Cause you drank ugliness medicine," the mysterious person on the phone said maliciously.

"What? I look different. Because I grew up. I already had my period by then. Dumb shit. I bet you look different from when you were 10 or 12 years old, bozo," Paige muttered angrily and slammed the phone down.

Kenzie woke up.

"Paige, what's wrong? I heard your voice. And you slammed the phone. Seriously, what's wrong?" Kenzie asked worriedly.

"Oh it's nothing. Nothing to do with you," Paige reassured her, and gave her a tight hug.

"Now, go to bed."

Paige felt very uneasy and weird. She kept tossing and turning.

Who was that?

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