Chapter 13: A Familiar Face

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Maddie's P.O.V.

After days of wondering who texted me, it was finally the day of the competition. Only from yesterday I concentrated on the group dance and other routines.

Once we got out of the bus, our fans waiting outside for us cheered as screamed our names. It was totally normal, though.

"Are you all ready? Take a deep breath. I'm sure we'll win against the big clubs," Kelly assured.

"Ping!" Someone had sent a message to my phone.

I picked up my phone that was on the dressing table to see the message.

Paige and Chloe hurried to my side, as if there was important news.

Unknown: You will see. Very soon.

I gasped. Chloe snatched my phone and typed:

Maddie: I don't know whoever you are, but please stop disturbing me.

I was glad Chloe didn't type something spiteful, or else this anonymous person would disturb more.

As soon as I got dressed in my costume for my solo, We all went out. My solo costume was just a costume Christi sewed for me, it was sapphire in colour, kinda like the one from Two Sapphires, my duet with Kalani back at the ALDC.

Brooke was doing an acro solo called "Struggle" and I was doing a lyrical solo called "Revenge".

I bit my lip as the act before me, Bostyn from Club Dance, finished off her last pose. As she went backstage, the audience applauded for her and the presenter called my name.

"Please welcome, Act 203, Maddie Ziegler with "Revenge"!" the presenter announced.

"Take a deep breath," I told myself as I went on the stage.

Lie down....get up and do a kickover...ten fouettes....bend down and do a straddle jump....Nailed it.

Finally when my solo was over, there was a really loud applause. I grinned as I took a heavy breath and walked backstage.

Chloe, who was in the trio costume, went over to give me a hug and some water.

"So, do you think will get first place and beat Bostyn Brown?" Paige asked while smiling.

"Sure!" I replied confidently.

I quickly changed into my trio costume and slipped my legs into my tap shoes. We practiced one last time for Kelly before we were released backstage.

I carried my prop, which was a tray, a drink and a burger, which were obviously all fake. We hurried backstage just in the nick of time.

Before our act was Bostyn, Jenna and Brynn's trio, which was kinda can can.

"Please welcome Paige, Chloe and Maddie with "50's Swing"!" The presenter announced.

Our tap shoes clinked on the hard wooden floor as we stood at the end of the stage for our opening pose.

I went first at the very front and started doing the tap routine while Chloe came in with doing a la secondes followed by Paige's front aerial.

In the middle of our routine, the drink on the tray I was holding fell out.

Cringe time.

There was no time to cringe on stage of course, but when we ended the routine, Kelly gave me an affectionate smile.

Finally the group dance, well basically it was just fantastic. Time for awards....

"2nd place in the teen solos category is Bostyn Brown with "Secrets"!" The presenter announced.

"And 1st Place goes to......Maddie Ziegler with "Revenge"!" I got up to get my award. Yes! My dream did come true. I beat Bostyn.

The group dance awards came and we won 1st overall. Nia went up to collect the award.

Finally. The trio awards. I held Paige and Chloe's hands tightly.

"In 2nd place, we have "50's Swing" from Paige, Maddie and Chloe!"

I got up. I was a bit disappointed as we didn't reach the MDS expectations, but I guess it's just because of the drink that fell.

When I was standing, I saw a very familiar face. Was that....ABBY?!

"Guys....I, I saw....." I stammered as I struggled to tell the girls who I saw earlier on.

"Saw who?" Kenzie asked as she tapped her fingers impatiently.

To be continued.....

Okay, now things start to get a little fishy.
How did Abby show up?

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