Chapter 6: It's on Now

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Payton's P.O.V.

"Payton, do you know where those girls are?" Abby asked.

"Ummm no," I responded, wondering why Abby would ask me such a question.

"Have they moved to Candy Apples?" Abby asked again.

"How would I know?" I replied. I really have to say, if they were at Cathy's, they would win Nationals, because their technique is great and Cathy's choreography is......kinda good.

"I would kill myself if Cathy wins nationals with them," said Abby.

"But you don't know. They probably didn't move to Cathy's," I answered thoughtfully.

"Then where? Studio Bleu?" Abby yelled.

I almost jumped out of my seat.

"Abby, don't try to think of all of the dance studios you know. Maybe they are at one you don't know," I said.

"I'll search," Abby suggested.

We found a website that was called 'Magic Dance Studio'. It was very interesting and unheard of.

What? Owned by Kelly Hyland? Abby screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw her name.

There were also portraits of Chloe, Paige, Brooke, Maddie, Kendall, Nia and Mackenzie. That surprised Abby the most.

"They're here!" Abby shouted. "Payton, I want you to spy on them. Here's the address, go fly to LA, and find this dumb dance studio, okay?" Abby said quickly.

I nodded. After that, I drove home.

"Mom, I'm going to LA tomorrow. Abby has booked a flight for me," I told my mom.

"Okay, honey. Be safe!" My mom replied.

I packed all the things I needed. I would be staying there for three days. Three days. That's enough to spy on them.

When I stepped out of the airplane,
I felt fresh. LAX just felt as comfortable as an old shoe. I hired a cab to take me to my hotel.

"Payton, have you reached LA?" My mom called.

"Yes, I have. Now I have to leave for my mission," I replied.

"What mission?" my mom asked.

Before I could answer, I hung up. I was a little bit late for my mission. Then, Abby texted me.

ABBY: Have you reached there?
ME: Yessss
ABBY: Great. Opening hours are from 8.00am to 9.30pm. Disguise as someone.

I was so ready for my mission. I hired a cab to take me to the dance studio. The journey was....well....quite short.

I stood in front of a two-storey building. It was a little bit bigger than the ALDC. 'Magic Dance Studio' was painted on the walls in....tumblr font, which I thought was pretty cool.

I pushed the glass doors and saw Melissa at the front desk. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hi! You are our first guest today," Melissa greeted.

"Oh hi! I'm only here to watch the girls, I'm just interested, you know," I replied.

"They are inside here," Melissa brought me to a huge studio with barres, mirrors, acro silks in a corner and gym mats.

I was in awe. To be honest, this is so much better than Abby's studio.

"Hi!" The excited girls greeted me.

I beamed at them, and explained why I was here.

The dance instructor told me they were having acro class right now. As much as I wanted to join in, they would guess who I am, so I just sat on a pile of gym mats.

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