Chapter 3: Abby Fat Goat

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Brooke's P.O.V.

As I waited at Starbucks with Paige and my mom for my friends, me and Paige decided a name to call Abby.

"Abby Lee Whale," Paige suggested.

"No.....How about Abby the Immature Adult?" My mom Kelly suggested.

"Nah...that's too...ummm...serious. We should do something funny," I replied.

Finally my friends came. We came up with a list of names.

"Abbs the Taco Pig," Maddie said.

"Noooooo!!!!! Abby Fat Goat!" Kendall suggested.

We all agreed on that. Abby Fat Goat really fits her. We drank our caramel frappuccino that we all ordered. Tomorrow we were going to greet Abby by saying, "Good morning Abby Fat Goat!"

As we drove home, Paige was singing a made-up song about Abby. It was a little bit ridiculous, but I really liked it.

I changed into my jammies and jumped onto my bed. It was freezing so I covered myself with a blanket. I put on earpieces and started listening to my favourite songs. I checked instagram and twitter. I thought about Payton doing my solo. Look at her body. There is no way she can she can nail those acro moves. It is silly for Abby to give her an acro solo.

No school. Again. So dance is taking up the whole day. Then after that there would be competition. I don't even want to try working hard for competition, because it's only the group dance that's important. And it's really stupid.

The next morning I woke up, a little bit late, at about 7.00 am. I was supposed to wake up at 6.00 am. But.....I don't care! My home, which is in Murrysville, is about 20 min from the ALDC. I lazily got up and went to the toilet.

I brushed my teeth. I was so lazy to shower that I wanted to just spray dry shampoo on my hair. But my mom unexpectedly yelled, "Brooke, take a shower now!"

After taking a shower, I changed to my black tights and black lacy sports bra. I wore a sweater over it. I ate a granola bar because we were running late.

On the way to the ALDC, I saw on Instagram that Abby had posted a picture of me. The caption said, "Grow the hell up, girl!" I rolled my eyes and had the cheek to comment: "You grow the hell up Abby fat goat!"

Everyone stretched at the dancers den except for Payton, because she usually did warm-ups in the studio with Abby. After that, we went inside the studio. Abby gave Payton an apple. Payton grinned from ear to ear. Abby's probably using Payton just like to she used Maddie that time.

"Pointe shoes! Have you forgotten?" Abby yelled. The group dance was en pointe. I already had my pointe shoes on. In fact, everyone had their pointe shoes on. The fact that Abby was yelling was just to make us feel bad.

During water break, I came across Payton. I piped up,"Payton, you're way too fat to do acro."

Payton nodded her head slowly and grinned mysteriously. I felt kinda weird. Honestly.

I peeked into the door of studio A and saw Abby eating a taco. ~Hilarious!~

I was laughing so much in my heart. I guess when that time my mom yelled at Abby for being fat, she was right. I find it so freaking funny.....I can't.

Maddie was in front of Abby performing an a la seconde. Suddenly, "Blahhhhhhh!" Abby vomited out the tacos she had ate earlier just now. She vomitted right smack on Maddie's face. Everyone gasped and started helping Maddie.

Except for Payton. She asked Abby nicely, "Miss Abby, are you having a bad stomachache?" Abby nodded, and continued, "Maddie totally deserved that."

Melissa stormed into the studio. She pulled Maddie and Mackenzie away from Abby. Maddie seemed to have problems breathing.

"Look at her! She has a panic attack because of you!" Melissa yelled.

"She totally deserved it!" Abby shot back.

"Disgusting fat bitch," Melissa said as she brought Maddie and Mackenzie out.

I heard Maddie's cries from outside. After that Christi came in and announced, "Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie are leaving."

"Get out of here, alcoholic bitch," Abby said maliciously.

Then Christi pointed the middle finger at Abby and slammed the door.

All that drama was so fun watching, seriously. But back to stupid group dance! Ugh.

Finally, at 8.30 pm, everything ended. Paige and the other girls waited at the front desk for me while I was heading to the toilet.

I saw Payton at the sink. What the hell? She was vomitting. I asked her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm bulimic!" Payton cried, and ran out of the toilet.

I was totally confused. There's this some thing that's weird about Payton. I mean, Abby loves her, and she's a good dancer, so why would she be anorexic?

{Sorry this is kinda short, but I promise some chapters after this one will be slightly longer. I kinda ran out of ideas for this one}

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