Chapter 5: Replaced

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Mackenzie's P.O.V.

"Mackenzie, wake up!" Maddie yelled. I realised I had overslept. I looked at the clock.

7.33 am!

I quickly got up and got ready. My mom was so mad. I might be grounded.

Everyone was already at the studio. They waited there for us. We got into our places. Abby gave us a scowl.

"Today, your life will change. I'm bringing in a new team. This will give you a hint of what I'm doing," Abby said mysteriously.

I had no clue why she brought a new team. It was probably because she thought we were bad so she brought them so they could beat us. She always does that, but it backfires.

Abby clapped her hands and yelled, "Girls! Come on in!"

Seven girls ran into the room. They looked tall and serious, and I was a little bit frightened of them. They looked like dolls, and no offence, but their moms look like they put botox or something.

"All of them are better than you. They have the capability to beat you. So that's why I brought them here," Abby said proudly.

Christi rolled her eyes.

"Sarah R., step forward," Abby ordered. "I am putting you against Nia."

Nia stepped forward and took a look at Sarah R. She seemed a little uneasy. But i'm sure she is confident that she will beat Sarah.

"Jade, come," Abby ordered. Jade, the oriental girl stepped up and stood proudly.

"Brooke," Abby said lazily. Brooke walked sleepily next to Jade. Jade was way taller than her.

"Jade, you are a better acrobat than Brooke right?" Abby asked.

Jade nodded. Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Abby, shut up. They are two different dancers, you can't say that!" Kelly complained.

Abby shushed her rudely.

"Tea, come out here," Abby ordered.

"Paige," Abby said with no emotion.

Paige stood next to Tea. Paige was way taller than her.

How can Abby put her against a 13 year old like me? That's weird. There's no doubt that I think Paige is a better dancer than her.

Paige smiled kindly to Tea. Tea smiled back, as if saying "this girl is really sweet."

I love that Paige was being so friendly to Tea. She is also always like that to other people.

"Kamryn, come," Abby ordered.

"Chloe," Abby said with her throat making annoying noises.

Chloe was a little bit taller than Kamryn. Abby didn't say anything about this one though, I think she just wanted them to check out each other.

"Mackenzie and Sarah," Abby called out.

I walked out to the front. I saw the other Sarah. She was a little bit taller than me.

Abby asked,"Sarah, do you think you are better than Mackenzie?"

"Yeah....of....course," Sarah stammered while answering.

"Good girl, Sarah," Abby praised. I wish I could kick Abby's ass.

"Kendall and Ava?" Abby called.

Ava was really tall. Like around 5'8".

And Kendall is only 5'2".

Ava gave a warm smile to Kendall. Now I like Ava. She's so nice.

"So looks like Payton is going to take Maddie's spot!!!!Hahaha! You know what that means!" Abby cackled.

"Abby, stop acting immature," Jill snapped.

Abby was startled. But she continued, "Anyways, I brought these girls because I wanted to replace you.....permanently."

I was shocked. What? Everyone's jaw dropped. Abby made a signal for us to leave.

"Where does that leave us?" Jill asked worriedly.

"Nowhere," Abby responded with a wink.

On the way back home, I texted Brooke and Paige. We were having a sleepover at their place. I still want to dance. I still want my friends supporting me.

"Hi guys! Come in!" Kelly greeted. She then stopped to talk to my mom.

I saw Chloe, Kendall and Nia. Brooke and Paige were upstairs setting up the "party" room, which was Paige's room.

"I can't believe we are out from the ALDC!" Kendall wailed.

"That's good. I don't want a whale to be yelling at us all the time for no reason," said Chloe.

"Girls. We will talk about a plan while you all are partying. Since you guys don't want to stop dancing, we will have to come up with a plan," Holly announced.

We jumped up and down. Yay! This so going to happen!

"Abby is so cruel," Brooke said while fighting back small tears. "She likes to compare me to everyone."

"She also does that to us, right?" said Nia.

Brooke nodded.

Kelly knocked on the door. "Girls, it's time for dinner."

We ran out of the room. I sat next to Chloe and Brooke. We had chicken and salad.

"Girls, I have a plan," Kelly announced. We grinned with excitement.

"I will be opening a dance studio in LA!" Kelly exclaimed.

OMG. OMG!!!!!

"I have enough money. We will all move LA. There is a small building that was just built that is not occupied there. We're using it as a dance studio. I have also hired some instructors," Kelly explained.

I screamed with excitement.

"Finally! I'm going to move to LA!" Maddie exclaimed.

"We're still together!" Chloe and Paige exclaimed while jumping up and down.

All this excitement also made me quite nervous too. What if Abby finds out? She would be boiling angry. I just hope to God that she doesn't find out.

"And we are naming the studio Magic Dance Studio," Christi announced.

It was such a cool name! Better than Abby Lee Dance Company.

Magic suited us because once my mom said that we gave magic while we were dancing. I bet this was my moms idea to name it Magic Dance Studio.

"Credits to Kelly because it was her idea to form a dance studio," said Jill happily.

"Thanks Kelly!" I thanked her.

Time to pack.

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