Chapter 14: A Mysterious Phone Call

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Kendall's P.O.V.

"Abby," Maddie finished. I gasped. Abby, out of all people?

"I just don't know how she just popped by the competition. I think....I think she escaped from isolation," Maddie continued, confused.

"Wow. Just how did Abby manage to escape?" Payton asked curiously.

"I've got it," I piped up. "Abby must have called someone to pick her up by helicopter!"

"Smart idea," Nia replied.

I couldn't think of more ideas. So I just sank back on my chair and took a power nap.

When we reached the apartment, I was exhausted. I rushed back to my bedroom, quickly changed into my pajamas and tucked myself into my cozy bed.

I slept soundly, not even hearing the slightest bit of noise around me. But man, I had the worst dream of my life.

As I was sleeping, I felt two hands around my neck. I woke up, and guess who I saw.


Abby Lee Miller.

I screamed loudly, and turned around to see the other girls handcuffed and their mouths taped. I screamed even louder. Suddenly, Abby brandished a knife at me.

By then, hot tears were already rolling down my cheeks. My heart was pounding.

As the knife got nearer to my stomach, I screamed at the top of my lungs. And suddenly I woke up, still screaming and sweating heavily.

Nia woke up and rushed over to my side of the room.

"Are you okay?" Nia asked worriedly. I nodded, I couldn't breathe. It felt like a mini heart attack.

Nia grabbed the waterbottle on my nightstand and said, "here, drink some water."

My heart beat super fast. I felt frightened. Abby seemed like a threat to us.

I slept for a while before waking up to have breakfast with the others. I chewed on my granola bar slowly as I looked at the other girls cutting their pancakes like zombies.

"We're having our dance recital in 4 weeks time. Get going! We need to start practising!" said Kelly.

Nia and I ran out of the room wearing our raincoats and carrying our dance bags.

We drove there in silence. I knew that Kelly feared that Abby was going to do something.

We just practised our previous group dances, duets, trios and solos.

When it was break time I checked my phone and there was a message for me.

All the girls hurried to my side. Kamryn, who was new to the MDS, also followed the other girls.

Unknown: Haha, coming closer.....

I almost choked on my biscuit. What the hell?

"What? Who is this?" Kamryn asked, confused.

"I don't know," my voice was shaky, and this just shocked me a lot.

"Got a few messages from an anonymous person too. Maybe they are the same person," Maddie piped up after a long silence.

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was from an anonymous person also.

"Just answer," said Brooke, looking as if she was anticipating something.

I pressed answer and put it to speaker, so everyone could hear.

"Hello?" I said, looking really anxious.

Long silence.

And then the phone call ended. We all looked at each other with terrified faces.

"Well. It could be someone against us," Kamryn whispered softly just in case Kelly would hear.

"Definitely not a ghost. In the first place ghosts don't really exist," Kenzie concluded.

I thought carefully about this whole thing. This something where we can jump to conclusions. I know who is behind this.

I couldn't sleep. I spent all night thinking through this. You guys may think it's ridiculous, but this has been happening for a while already.

Alright, we're almost going to finish the book!
I think by now you guys should know who is behind all this crap!

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