Chapter 16: Escape!

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No One's P.O.V.

"Wh....wh...what?" Nia stammered, looking mortified.

"Ha ha ha," The woman grabbed Nia by the shoulder as she opened the doors of the rest of the girls' rooms.

"Aaahhhhh!" They screamed as the woman tied their hands together.

The woman slammed the door behind her.

Holly opened her bedroom door and started checking the girls' rooms. But it was too late. The woman had kidnapped them.

"Why are you doing this?!" Paige screamed.

Kenzie starting sobbing profusely. Kamryn looked miserable as the woman pushed them into her car.

"Where are we going?" Kendall asked, confused and anxious.

"Somewhere," the woman replied with her raspy voice.

As soon as the got to where the woman wanted to go, the woman pushed them out of the car and pulled all of them to a grey building.

They climbed up 4 flights of stairs and the woman taped all of their mouths.

"Mmmm!" Chloe tried to speak but was stopped by the tape.

The woman turned to face the girls with her assistant.

"Abby?!" Payton shouted but she could not pronounce her words properly because of the tape.

"Hahaha, yes. I fooled you all. I escaped. I'll make sure you won't escape now!" Abby cackled loudly.

Tears started rolling down from their eyes. They were praying hard that the moms would find them.

Abby slammed the door behind her and the girls were all to themselves.

Kamryn tried to untie the rope. All of them did.

"Yesh!" Chloe squealed quietly, she couldn't pronounce it properly because of the tape. She had untied the rope tied around her hands.

The rest of the girls had desperate looks on their faces. Chloe took off the tape from her mouth and said, "We shall be saved."

She untied the ropes around the hands of the rest of the girls and they all took off the tape as well.

The high fived each other. Suddenly Abby flung the door open.

"WHAT?" Abby screamed at the top of her lungs.

Paige went up to her first and kicked her in the stomach. Chloe pushed her to the wall and started punching her enormous stomach.

Kamryn and Brooke started tying ropes around the hands and legs of Abby's assistant.

"Girls!" Holly shrieked as she opened the door. The other moms followed her in.

"Abby!" Melissa cried, horrified.

"Abby kidnapped us!" Maddie spoke up.

"'t...." Abby stammered and stared guiltily at the moms as Chloe and Paige stopped her.

"I'm calling the police. Enough is enough Abby. Stop ruining the kids," said Kelly as tears rolled down her eyes.

The police came in no time. They were shocked when they saw Abby.

"Abby Lee Miller. Second time. This has to stop," one of the policemen said.

Abby and her assistant were handcuffed and brought into the police car.

"I'm sorry!" Abby really cried this time. "I just realized it!"

"Save your tears for the pillow Abby! You should've regretted earlier!" Christi shouted as they got into their car.

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