Chapter 12: Signs

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Maddie's P.O.V.

I dragged myself out of bed. It was time to go for dance. I changed into an MDS sports bra and shorts, and tied my hair into a Sophia Lucia bun. I wore my Victoria Secret Pink jacket over my dancewear.

My mom had prepared pancakes for all of us. It was super delicious even though it was just plain pancakes with maple syrup and butter. All of us were excited to go to dance.

"So, Payton. It's your first day of dance at the MDS. How are you feeling?" Kelly asked.

"Excited," Payton replied casually.

After finishing our breakfast, we jumped into the SUV. Kelly drove us to the dance studio.

Once we reached our studio, we hung our dance bags on the hooks of the locker room just outside our main studio, Studio A.

We warmed up by doing backbends, splits, aerials and cartwheels. We were going to perform a routine called 'Fly Higher' for our next competition, Energy Dance.

Luckily we weren't competing against the ALDC, the ALDC doesn't exist anyway. We were still competing against Studio Bleu, Club Dance and San Diego Dance Center.

After being the lead for literally all of the group dances I was in back in the ALDC, for this group dance Nia was chosen to be the lead, which was rare back in the ALDC.

Our costumes were really pretty. It was pink in Colour and it was a high-low dress. Girls with long hair were supposed to curl it and let it down, and all of us had long hair, so we had the opportunity to curl it.

The solos were given to Brooke and I, and a duet was given to Kendall and Kenzie. Chloe, Paige and I were doing a tap trio where we dressed as waitresses that were dressed the 50's clothing, so that also meant our hairstyles had to be old fashioned.

While Paige, Chloe and I were practicing the trio, my phone rang unexpectedly.

"Uh, sorry, I gotta go for a while," I muttered under my breath.

Apparently, the person who was calling me had no caller ID. I paced back and forth on whether I should reply to the call.

I decided not to, since I didn't no who this person was, so pressed 'Decline' and went back into the studio.

"Maddie! Who called you?"Chloe asked.

"I don't know," I replied anxiously. "The person who called me had no caller ID."

"It happens all the time. Don't worry, they won't bother you," Paige assured.

"Um, are you sure?" I asked. Paige nodded.

We finished the dance in one day. During the group dance rehearsal break, I received a text.


I was too nervous to answer. I realised Paige and Chloe noticed the text. Paige grabbed my phone and typed:

Maddie: Who the hell are you, idiot?

"Easy, that's how you reply to those idiots, really, don't be scared," Paige advised.

"I'll try, when this anonymous person replies," I replied while munching on a piece of Oreo.

"What? There's someone who texted you?" Nia walked over to my side, followed by Kendall.

"Oh no," Kendall said worriedly. "It's one of those people again. Don't fall for them."

I looked at Kendall anxiously. "Could it be a pedophile or something trying to disturb me?"

Brooke and Payton heard that and also came over to my side. "You better watch out, Maddie, it could be the pedos or some big fat female monster coming after you," Brooke warned.

The way she said "Big Fat Female Monster" sounded like Abby.

"I better speak to my mom about this. This has happened to me a lot of times, but not as creepy as this," I muttered.

"Yeah, you should. Maybe someone is cyber bullying you," Kendall replied.

"No...that can't be....." My voice trailed off as the bell for the second leg of the group dance rehearsal rang.

The whole group rehearsal I wasn't really paying attention. No matter how much my dance instructor kept asking me to keep with the group, I just couldn't listen.

Who was that? How the heck did she reach me?

Sorry for the short chapter! Who do you think texted Maddie? Comment Down Below!

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