Chapter 11: Brooke's First Cirque Practice

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Brooke's P.O.V. again

(Pls no hate, I don't know a lot about Cirque)

I woke up, stretched my arms, and did some splits, backbends, chest stands and elbow stands. I had to be extra fit and flexible to impress the people of Cirque. I showered, and got myself into a sports bra, tights and a pullover from Forever 21. I packed extra leotards, sweats and booty shorts.

My mom sent me to the tents of Cirque. I was really nervous to meet the others, but when I saw Sarah R, I felt more relieved.

"Oh hi Brooke! I really didn't know you were going to be in this show," Sarah exclaimed.

"Well, I am," I laughed.

We did some warmups before trying the trampolines, bars and hoops. And to my surprise, Sarah told me that we we're doing tricks on a pole, kind of like pole dancing, which I had never done before.

Once I took artistic gymnastics and I learnt the bars and I picked it up pretty well. I hoped that I could do the same with the poles.

Unfortunately, I was the only act to do a solo routine on the floor, and I was supposed to do a back layout stepout (aka back aerial). I was pretty sure I could do it.

It was like a circus, well it its a circus without the magic tricks and animals and all that stuff. In two months time, we will be performing the shows.

I practiced my front aerials, elbow stands, back handsprings and back tucks. I also had to do full chest stands, which seems pretty easy to me.

Me and Sarah were also going to do a clown duet, so I had to be the super creepy clown that some people have a phobia of.

I looked at the costumes, and it was kind of like a unitard, except that there my left hand had long sleeves and the other had none. I had to put on the makeup that makes me super pale, and my lips had to be covered in red lipstick and dark blue circles have to be drawn around my eyes. Weird, huh? I also had to wear those typical clown wigs.

Me and Sarah learned the duet in a short period of time. I must say the duet is pretty hard, but I'm kinda sure I will nail it soon.

Then I learned my solo routine and silk routine. Again, not very good, but still the best I could do.

The practice finally ended at 8, and my mom picked me up.

"So how was the practice?" My mom asked.

"Great, but I have to do three routines," I replied.

"I guess they see lots of potential in you, huh?" My mom answered.

"Hmm, I guess but there are more acrobats in this world that are way better than me," I shrugged.

We remained silent on the way back as I fell asleep.

When I was back home, I didn't bother to eat dinner, instead, I just went straight to bed. All of the girls were already in their rooms.

The next day there was also Cirque practice. Before this whole thing, I didn't realise how tired I would be after the practices.

When I came home, Kenzie rushed to me and asked, "Brooke, I forgot to ask you! How was Cirque practice?"

"It's fine, but super tiring. I have three routines to do, a silk routine, a can can solo routine, and a clown duet with Sarah," I explained while munching on McDonald's fries.

"Cool," Kenzie replied and jumped on the couch and switched on the TV.

I put my gym bag on one of the coat hooks and sat on the armchair as I switched on my laptop.

"You girls, this is a sign that technology is ruining you," Jill joked. "But how about reading a book, like a paperback?"

"There's Wattpad," Kenzie replied.

"And Kindle," I added as I held up the kindle that was on the coffee table.

" these days..." Jill shook her head as she went back to wash the dishes at the kitchen.

After watching 3 full episodes of PLL, I got really sleepy and dragged my feet to my room. I changed to my satin PJs and tucked myself into my comfy bed.


In the morning, I was awaken by the bright LA sun. I crept out of bed without checking my phone and picked out today's outfit. Today we were going shopping (for once!) at The Grove.

Once everyone was ready, we got into the SUV and drove to The Grove.

"OMG, SHOPPING!" Kenzie cried excitedly.

We shopped for hours and hours. And ended up having our hands full with bags.

Kenzie, especially, though.

Finally I got new clothes. And they were so awesome. Like really, really awesome.

I dropped my bags on my bedroom floor and collapsed on the bed. Suddenly, something struck me like a lightning bolt.

Abby Lee Miller.

That was super random. No one cares about her now, and no one knows her whereabouts, because she had been isolated in an unknown island.

Then I thought, what if she escapes and tries to attack us here? That would be really scary.

And what if, she suddenly shows up at our studio unexpectedly?

And, what if Abby has already escaped from isolation?

That remains a mystery.


My new book, Rich B*tch, also a Dance Moms fanfic, has been released and it would be really appreciative if you guys read it.

Thank You, from Bandsisters4ever1319

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