Chapter 17: An Odd Guest

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No One's P.O.V.

It was the last rehearsal of the MDS dance recital. They were doing it in a big concert hall.

The girls danced all of the solos, group dances, duets and trios. It was to be a long night.

Unlike Abby, Kelly wasn't going to write out mistakes of the solos, she thought it was a way of discouraging the students.

"We're gonna make the dance recital great, okay?" said Kelly, and the girls nodded weakly while gasping for air. They had finished practising all of their numbers.

While Abby was thinking about a way the girls can forgive her. She had to reflect on all of the horrid things she did to them.

The girls hung their costumes in the wardrobe in the dressing room. They grabbed their dance bags and left the room, leaving their makeup on the dressing tables.

The girls slept earlier so that they would get a boost the next day.

"Gosh, I'm excited!" Kamryn exclaimed as she sipped on a banana smoothie.

"Our first dance recital!" Christi squealed as she spread peanut butter across her bread.

The kitchen was filled with laughter. Not filled with crying like when they were at the ALDC.

They left the house at 8.30am. The concert hall was only 15 minutes away.

Suddenly, Kelly's phone rang while she was driving. Christi helped to answer.

"Hello?" The person who called said. "Is this Kelly Hyland?"

"Nope, it's Christi. Christi Lukasiak," Christi replied.

"Well I just wanted to ask, can Abby Lee Miller attend your dance recital? She wants to go before jail," the person explained.

"Abby? Wait a sec." Christi asked Kelly for approval of Abby coming to their dance recital.

Finally Kelly said okay. "Yeah sure, I'll see her at the dance recital!" Christi hung up.

"Abby's coming?" Jill asked in shock. The other moms nodded.

"I think she's coming because she regretted all of her actions," said Holly.

Soon they got to the concert hall. They did one last rehearsal before the concert.

Then finally came the dance recital. Abby showed up, and she was all the way at the back. The moms sat in front.

The recital went by in a puff. It was time for the curtain call. The girls gathered on stage with Kelly, wearing elegant dresses.

"Thank you all for watching. This has been only the first recital of Magic Dance Studio, and I must say, it's a success!" Kelly beamed.

Abby gave a half smile. Soon she left with the audience, without chatting to any of the moms.

"I say! What a weird encounter with Abby! Is she going to regret?" Paige piped up.

"I hope so," said Kendall. "She never said a word to us. It's kinda strange."

"Enough of Abby, we need to get going now. Tomorrow we will be going to the Industry Dance Awards," said Kelly tiredly.

The girls were excited for the awards, but they wanted an answer from Abby.

But they probably won't get it. It's too late.

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