Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I took her hand and led her into the room with everyone in and everyone swarmed her. "Are you okay? Are you sure?" They wouldn't leave her alone, I could see that she was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. "OKAY. STOP, ALL OF YOU. Back off!" I raged. Everyone looked shocked and left her alone. Katie walked off with Eleanor and sat at the front of the stage talking. This was the perfect opportunity to call my mum. "REALLY? Oh Harry! Congratulations sweetie, give Katie my best and i'll see you both when you get home" she screamed. At least she took it well. 

Before I knew it, break was over. We began rehearsing again and the soundcheck finished with I Want. We bowed and ran off the stage. We could hear chatting and screaming as the front doors open and fans fled in. We peeked through the curtain, this was our biggest venue to date. It seemed like the opening acts went so fast and we began getting ready. I kissed Katie on the cheek and promised her that I would find a way of telling everyone somehow, she just needed to give me time to figure it out.

Katie's POV

We made our way to our seats and made ourselves comfortable, we were on the second row and was split off from the fans. We sat with bodyguards and had the row to ourseleves. The lights went dim, and then they started flashing. The boys appeared and the soundtrack of Na Na Na began. The crowd went crazy. I took a picture from where I was sitting and tweeted it.

@KGCarrington: View from the second row, WOW! The fans and the boys are amazing! So proud x

I had over 100 retweets within a minute, it was madness. As the concert went on, it got better. They finished Moments when Louis said "We dedicate this next song to two special ladies sitting in second row! Thanks for the support!" Harry winked at us and the venue went wild! What Makes You Beautiful started playing, it was my favourite of them all. As the song drew to an end, there was a silence and the boys looked at Harry who had started to look uncomfortable. 

"How you doing Florida?!" He screeched "I just wanted to say something. Okay, so most of you know that my LOVELY girlfriend Katie is here! Well, she came out here to tell me something. And now i'm telling all of you gorgeous people!" He was interupted by Louis "Stop putting it off Harry! Just tell them, or I will!" 

"No hate, promise hate!" Harry glared at Louis "PROMISE" the audience said in unison. I gasped, he wasnt..was he? I thought to myself. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" He screamed. The venue erupted with screams, whether they were good or bad was beyond me. A spotlight came down on me and my face was on the big screens. "Katie come here?" He looked at me hopefully. Eleanor pushed me towards the stage and I walked up the steps, I was shaking. 

"Baby, this is going to be one hell of a journey. I just wanted to say.." he stuttered "I love you." The boys and crowd said aw in unison. I looked at him, baffled. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks, "I love you too" I whispered. 

"SHE LOVES HIM EVERYBODY!" Liam screeched. The venue erupted into clapping and I made my way back to my seat. "Oh and I forgot, we're going out tonight. I'll meet you back at the hotel, get changed and then you'll have to wait and see." 

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