Chapter 22

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Harrys POV

After driving for 3 hours and stopping twice, we finally arrived in Holmes Chapel. We had talked the whole way up, Katie wasn't so impressed that we had to leave our new home. She kept quiet and was on twitter most of the journey. "Babe, are you upset because we've had to leave London? Whats going on with you, tell me" I rubbed my hand along her knee. She sighed and looked at me "Now we officially live together, is this what its always going to be like?" "I really hope not, don't let them get the better of you, Paul is going to sort everything out" I reassured her. "What if he doesn't though? What if thats how we are going to live and then we will have to move to Holmes Chapel all the time and be away from the boys and you will have to travel in all the time?" She was getting more aggetated and she went on. "Forget it, its all going to work out. Its just one of your mood swings again, you know. Because of the baby?" "The baby? You're trying to blame this on me and the baby" before I knew it she had tears streaming down her face and she was sniffling. I pulled over, gave her a hug and kiss before continuing the journey.

When we got to Holmes Chapel, my mum swung the door open and bounded towards us. She drew us both in and gave us a big, warm hug just like she always has. "Hello Anne!" Katie sounded cheerful to see a friendly face again "Hello darling, how are you? and the baby?" Mum was pleased to see us again. "They're just fine, shall we go inside?" I laughed, ushering them towards the door. I threw our bags in our room and we sat in the kitchen drinking hot chocolate and catching up on life. My mum had always liked Katie, they got on naturally and always had a laugh together. She adored her from the very beginning, and this was a good sign because my mum is quite protective of me.

Katies POV

After drinking the hot chocolate,  I was pretty tired. I said goodnight to Anne and gave her a kiss on the cheek before going up to bed. Harry was talking to his mum still, he was glad to be home. It was quite rare that he was at his home now. I was just dozing off to sleep before Harry came bouncing in and got into bed next to me, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then I was asleep.

The next day went really quickly, we spent most of the day on the sofa tucked up in a duvet eating anything we could get our hands on. Harry ran out to the shop to get a supply of doritos, my favourites before we sat down and what romcoms and chickflicks all day, Harry secrelty enjoyed them. Before I knew it, it was nearly 10pm and we were dozing off to sleep on the sofa. Louis was driving everyone else up tomorrow, so we needed to sleep. We put Bridesmaids on before falling into a deep sleep in each others arms. 

Louis' POV

I had my bags packed yesterday and I left everyone else at home packing when I went to meet Paul to discuss new stragies to keep the complex safe. A few ideas were thrown around like move somewhere else, or install a gate that had a code on it. Although, this came with its difficulties. The day flew by and I was home by about 5.30 to pack the car with everyones suitcases. At 6.15pm we all bundled into the black landrover that Paul had lent us. We fit in the fronts, back and boot seats and had a topbox on full of our bags. Niall and Maria were in the boot seats playing truth or dare with some of the dares being to flash the car behind, whilst Zayn, Perrie and Liam were in the backseats. Liam was listening to music and texting whilst Zayn and Perrie were engaged in a conversation. Eleanor was sitting next to me, directing me. 

"So, Liam. Where did you and Danielle disappear to the other nightt, you never told us?" Niall asked, winking. "Well, we got in a bit of an argument" he said, looking down at his phone. "Oh, i'm sorry" Niall quickly replied before burying his head in his hands. "So where is Danielle now? Is she really working and meeting us later in the week, or..." Zayn asked before being interupted by Liam. "She's decided to take some time off, to relax. She's in France, with her best friend. She said she needed time to cool down and work things out" his voice had started to crack. We found out that they had had an argument about moving in together and Danielle was away with her friend to calm down, they hadn't broken up though. 

We arrived at Harrys mums just after 9, I was about to knock on the door before Harry answered. "Katie's asleep on the sofa, she's pretty tired" he whispered. We all walked into the house, put our bags in the bungalow and sat around the kitchen table talking. "So Liam, wheres Danielle then?" Harry looked at Liam, winking.

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