Chapter 1: Will Be Different

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"I can't believe summer is over!" It was the morning of the first day of school and I was already upset. No more late nights, no more watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix because all of the home work I will be getting and worse of all, no more freedom.

"Sophie, you been saying that ever since I saw three minutes ago" Nicole, my best friend, joked looking at her wrist as if she had a watch. Nicole has been my best friend since the sixth grade but she moved recently beside me a couple months before freshman year ended. We would walk to school together and we would usually stop at McDonald's first for breakfast.It was the first day back ....I needed some Micky D's!

"Well as my best friend you should know that I hate-no despise- school." And trust me I did.

"You were the same one that said sophomore year was going to be sooo awesome." Nicole responded in a mocking tone.

"Yea well I lied. The freshmen are the babies of the school, juniors are applying for college and the seniors are almost out of here. The sophomores are... just here"

'That's not true. Maybe you will meet someone." That was one of the things I loved about Nicole, she was always so positive and optimistic.

"I don't think so. I have been crushing on the same guy since before winter break of freshman year" I responded with an upset look on my face.

"So he didn't call you?" Nicole responded with a concerned look. She knew boys weren't my favorite subject. "Well maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I cut her off a little irritated. Nicole couldn't relate with me. She had a gorgeous junior as her boyfriend. I really didn't want to hear what she wanted to say.

"Nothing" she said as we exited the cool A/C of McDonald's..


"Finally lunch!" I thought as I heard the B lunch bell. My school is split into two lunches; A lunch was before fifth period for hallways 100-500 and B lunch was after fifth period for hallways 600-1000. After walking into the wrong class for two periods, I needn't the three F's ; food, freedom and friends.

I desperately for my friends, but wanting to look like a loner. In approximately four seconds my two friends, Nicole and Wendy showed up by my side.Wendy was shortest one of the three of us but she was the more athletic and oldest at sixteen.

After joining the cafeteria line and sitting down, we started to gossip about the teachers we already hated, the new kids and the cutest boys in our classes. We got up to dump our lunch tray and that's when I saw him.My crush. David Matthews.

He leaned against the wall with his friends like he owned the place. I hated him for not calling me. I dumped my tray and stormed over to where he was. David wasn't the best looking guy,he wasn't ugly, but I still wondered what I ever saw in him.

"Hello David" I said with anger laced in my voice.

"Hey Soph." he said with a smile and I remember what I saw in him. His eyes shined brighter than the stars did in the night. His voice was so smooth that it made you melt on the inside. He was so charming, he could make the most malicious dad love him. He was so funny that you continued to laugh at his jokes three hours later. And don't get me started on his delicious smell.

"Hey David" I said again this time with time flirty. He then dragged away me from his friends to an isolated part of the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry for not calling or texting you this summer.I offered to babysit my four year old cousin and I went to the kitchen to make him a snack by the time I returned I saw my phone flying through the window" he explained " I'm getting a new one in about a week". I just giggled like a idiot in response.

Before I knew it he was leaning near my face. This was going to be it. He was going to kiss me. I been waiting forev....

"Sophie!" someone yelled

Both David and searched for who could of called me. Whoever called me disappeared faster than a cheetah running.

"Well that ruined the moment" David joked

"Yea" I replied. In a response, David pulled me into a hug and we stayed there 'till the bell rang.

Maybe this year will be different.

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