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Sitting on my spinny chair with a lot of paperworks on hand and making some sort of a power point to present the next day,barely having a goodnight sleep a WEEK.I really don't mind it though,I'm used to it after my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.To be honest I need a lot of money to pay for hospital bills and my mother's life support that's why I work really hard but no matter what it is still not enough.I work as a Finance Manager at this company in the name of Ackerman that was owned by my boss,Kenny.They say he has a nephew but I never really seen him and he's about to take over the company because Kenny was about to retired.A knock on my door snap me from my so-called daydream.

"Miss Zoe,are you there?" my assistant Moblit asked from the other side of the door

"Moblit come in" I said briefly.

He came in with an envelope on his hand. "Miss Zoe," he started "Just Hanji" I cut him off from his formality "Well,Hanji the new CEO want to see you and he want you to fill out this form" he said as he handed me the envelope.I quickly leave my office and leave Moblit there.I rushed to the CEO's office I was about to knock when suddenly the door swung open,oh great,just great.Now I tripped over and was about to hit the floor,face first then suddenly I grab something that I regret."Hey what are you doing?!" he shouted.I blushed madly knowing that I have grabbed his waist and currently facing his you know what."How long do you intend to stay in that position miss?"he said angrily.I stand up straight to hid my embarrasment.I want to laugh that the man is shorter than me but I hold it."Excuse me,have you seen the new CEO?" I asked the short man "You are facing him right now,shitty glasses" ohhhs,someone's grumpy today."Well,Sir what do you call me for?" I said "I want to know about this stupid company" I almost laugh at the way he talks.I really don't expect that the new CEO will be short and short tempered,I expect him to be tall and have a bulkier posture,but sometimes expectation do not meet the reality or vice versa."Are you just gonna stare at me like a stupid teen age girl?I know I have a handsome face but you don't have to make it obvious"he stated.Oh god,I wanna kill myself because of this dwarf.I blink a few times."By the way,meet me at my apartment tomorrow night." he said.I was about to leave when I remembered I don't know where he lives,when I'm about to go back he shut the door in front of my face.Great,He's not rude,isn't he?I wish Kenny was still my boss even though he is not a nice man,but he is nicer compared to that midget and I am stuck with him as long as I work in his company.

I went back to my office to finish my work before long,I still have another job at 10:30 pm.After a lot of paper works and forms to fill out,I yawned and smiled.It was already 9:00 pm,I still got an hour and a half to ready myself for my other job,I exited the building and went to the bus station because that's the only transportation I can afford.

When I got home,I took a quick but nice shower,and dressed myself and pack up my stuff and went to my other job by foot because I'm trying to spend less money as less as I can.When I opened the door the smell of beer is lingering in my nose,I'll never be used to it.I quickly dressed myself in a short sexy maid outfit.I got out of the dressing room and went to the tables of our customers.

"What a lovely lady we have here" a man said,grabbing my waist

"What is your order sir?"I asked as I gently tear his hand away from my waist

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU,YOU GODDAMN WHORE!" he shouted causing few people to look in our direction.Goddamnit,I seriously hate this job.Not because I work on a club doesn't mean I'm a whore.I never really let a man fuck me just because they wanted to.I want my future husband be my first and last."I'm sorry sir but I'm not a prostitute" I said coldly he was about to slap me but I caught his hand first before it made an impact."If you don't want anything,may I excuse myself" I stated and walk away into another table.Another step that I regret.Oh god,life is full of surprises but it's not a good one though.I really hate this shit,I really hated this life.

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