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I turn around as soon as the waitress approach me,as I saw her face my heart skip a beat for a second then beat faster than normal.Her smile quickly shift into frown,she made me fce her back as she turn around ready to leave me but I grab her arm making her stop.

"Hanji,please let me explain" I said as the regret begins to overflow through my system

"I dont even know you!somebody help me!!" she shouted trying to break out my grip but I hold her even more causing her to wince in pain.

"Hanji,I dont mean..." but I was cut off

"Shut up,just fucking shut up!I dont wanna hear any of your shit!leave me alone!!" she said as she punch me causing me to fall out my chair and held my bruised cheeks.She ran away,maybe I really deserve that punch.I got out of the cafe but I just stay outside out of her sight,I want to take a glance at her over all this time.The time fly like its nothing and the sun is already setting.

She got out of the cafe as her shift ended,she headed home walking but I follow her with my car,after our break up she change address,cellphone number and etc.She arrived at a small apartment as a brunette walks to her carrying a child,wait what a child?who's child is that?Is the boy is the father?So many questions running through my mind.I want answers.I will comeback here tomorrow morning.I came home tired and untidy not my usual self.I did my chores and went to bed.After a long night of sleeping,I yawn as the morning sun rays hit my skin.I got out of bed and take a bath.I will go to Hanji's place today.


I do my usual chores with my son,as I was about to leave I heard a knock on my door,Its probably Eren,ready to babysit my child.As I open the door,a short man greeted me with an emotionless face,I shut the door but he caught it with his foot.I hardly tried to close the door with all my force but he is stronger than me.He welcomed himself to my apartment even though I dont want to.

"Hanji,listen" he said as he takes a deep breath

"Help!!!!there's a thief!!!" I screamed so someone from the outside would hear me.

"Hanji,stop" he said as he covered my mouth with his hand

"Help me!!!there's a rapist!!" I said as I bit his hand freeing myself,he wince in pain while my son was laughing and clapping,Rivaille really thinks that we done this for entertainment.

"Hanji,whose child is this" he ask as he and Rivaille made an eye contact examining each other

"Mine" I answered coldly

"Whose the father?" he ask out of curiousity

"Its none of your concern" I stated


I was about to ran out of words but luckily Eren came in.I pointed at Eren

"He is the father,happy?now get out!" I said pushing him to the door while Eren just stared in me in a completely shocked expression as sweat visibly appeared on his fore head.I succeeded shooing Levi out of our house.And I say sorry to Eren for dragging into the mess.

Today,I dont have to work on the cafe because once a week,I work as a secretary of Sina Corporation.I went to the bus station because it will take an hour or two if I go there by foot.I waited until the bus starts moving towards our destination.We arrived at the front of the building and I enter and be welcomed by the staffs and officers.The announcement speaker begin to work as it mentions my name,I was needed it the CEO's office as soon as posible,instead of using the elevator I run in the stairs because its just a few floor away.

"Good morning sir,how may I help you?" I ask as I saw my boss leaning on his usual spinny chair.

"Hanji,I need you to present the powerpoints and settle the deal because I can no longer go there because of my illness" he said as he cough up blood,oh man he is really on a poor condition.

"What company,if I may ask sir?" I ask politely but slightly embarass because of my outdatedness.


Authors Note:

Whooooo,I'm back with a bang and with bangs!cliff hanger!just wait for the CHAPTER 12.5😂😂

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