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I tried to look seductive because you know,Hanji will be here in any moment.The thing is there's no such thing as business presentation,I am the one who planned all of these after she dragged me out of her house,I called her boss,you know I'm good at searching and hacking.After the cafe incident I talked to her coworkers,ask her facebook account and I created a fake account and begin having a convo to her,well I was happy that even we got separated she doesnt seem to flirt online with my fake account but that brunnette brat is still in my way (Eren) so I ask Hanji by my fake fb account where she works she saidshe have two works,which I know the cafe and she said in the Sina corp. too so I,being with an intelligent mind,settle as appointment to her boss and I said that I will pay him if he manage to make Hanji come to my company,to my office precisely.

I heard a knock on my door,this is it...I opened the door revealing Petra,my happy face suddenly turned into frown.Petra handed me some papers,I was about to go back to my seat when Hanji showed up with sweat all over her body.

"Am I late?" she said panting

So,she actually fall for it.

"Late for what?"

"The business presentation" she said blankly

"there's no such thing as that"

"so,I was just wasting my time" she said ready to leave when I dash to her and pinned her to the door frame grabbing both of her wrist and pinned them above her head.

"Hanji I just want to talk" I said with a pleading eye

She tried to break free,she was about to kick my part where the sun dont shine when I push my self to her a little bit closer as our body touches as I close the door.

"Let me go!" she said

"I got questions Hanji,if you dont answer,I'll kiss you" I threatend

"Who is that child on your house?"

"my son" she answered sincerely

"who's the father?"

"Its none of your business" she said

"answer me" I said with a venom on my voice as I held her wrist a little harder causing her to wince in pain.

"Eren" she said as her eyes begin to water

"dont lie to me"

"I'm not lying" she whimpered as the tears begin to travel down to her cheeks,maybe because of the pain that I doing to her physically right now or because of the pain that I encarved to her heart and soul in the past

"he is not my son but he really looks like me?so my face is quite usual this time around" I sarcastically said

"because...." she try to denied

"Is he my son or not?" I yell

"YES!you want answers!yes he is your son!" she yelled back

"Hanji,I still love you" I said as my eye watered from happiness

"You love me?!Dont you fucking dare to say you love me because that's what you said in the past but not even a day passed you broke me into pieces,burning my soul until I am completely shattered!I dont to hear about that fucking you love me because I know about your lies!" she said as tears came pouring down

"I only did that for you,I dont really want to go but deep inside I know,that'sthe right thing to do during that time!" I said as my weakness consumes me as I cry

"Breaking me is necessary?Like the fuck I would believe you!You love me but you leave me!where are you when I need you most!where are you when I gave birth to your son!where are you during my hardest times raising your son all by myself!" she scream as her knees begin to shake.

"Hanji...I.." I ran out of words as I release her from my grip,she free herself from the space I occupied.And ran away while me,I kneel and lowered my head as I cry harder silently and held the door knob to use as support as I stand up.Am I a bad man?Letting his girl suffer from the unexpected consequences that she face it.


I ran out of his office,ignoring the stares from everyone which reminds me from the old time that I thought Levi cheated on me with Petra except there's no Levi to comfort me and assure me that everything is all right because right now I have to face it alone.I ran until I was completely out of his place,I continue running until I reach the park I sat in one of the benches crying.A two teenager approach me handing me a handkerchief.

"Are you okay miss?" the bald teenager ask

"Maybe she's hungry" the brown-haired girl said

"Not all lady will cry over a food Sasha" he said,so the girl is Sasha.

"You're so mean Connie" Sasha said as her eyes water.

"Sasha,I'm sorry I didnt mean it" Connie said as he hugged Sasha.It feels like me and Levi during the old lang syne,how he comfort me when I cry when I got jealous,but right now there's no Levi.My eyes watered even more

"Sasha what have we done?" he said looking at me

"No its not your fault" I said butting in

"Do you and your boyfriend broke up?" Sasha ask as Connie elbowed her,she mouther "what?".

"If you like we can assist you home" Connie offered

"No thank you" I thank them for the handkerchief and walk all the way home but a pair of of strong arms drag me out of nowhere into a van as they injected me something that made me fell drowsy.My eyes shut and turn into a deep slumber.



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