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After a hot night with Hanji I finally be able to sleep peacefully,Now I know that sex is the best medicine when it comes to insomnia.I woke up next morning with Hanji on my side sleeping peacefully,blanket barely covering her body.I smiled,she move sideways facing then gently opening her eyes.I stroke her hair so I can have a clearer view of her face.Her eyes widen when realization hit her with the current state she was in.She was flustered with blush.

Realization hit me too.After that night Hanji is no longer mine,those pleasurable moments once will never be twice.I feel pain deep in my chest.I got up and went to the bathroom leaving Hanji in the bed.I took a hot nice shower and got out.

"Dont you want to take a bath Four eyes?" I ask

"Well I dont have clothes to change to" she answered

Ohh...I didnt see that coming

"wait,I think I still have Isabel's clothes here" I said as I search to her drawers

"Who's Isabel?"

"she's my little sister,adoptive sister"

" Where is she now?"

"She died 3 years ago in a car accident because she and Farlan,her borfriend have an arguement,and she walk away,then the tragic happened" I explained

"Sorry,I didnt mean to ask such question"

I turn to her and handed her the clothes that I have found on Isabel's drawer

"You can used that as a changing cloth,dont worry its clean" I said as she walk pass me and going inside the bathroom

I signed to myself knowing that after this we have to act like a perfect strangers with a boss-employee attitude.

She got out of the shower with her clothes on.We exited the building together and I drove her to her house to gather her things.I left her there so no one will notice that we came in together in the office.This is gonna be a long ride.

I quickly got to my office and after a while Hanji came in giving me a few documents that I ask her to fill out yesterday.

Without any word she left my office,I tried to call out for her but no words escaping my mouth,I just dont know what to say.

As if reading my thoughts,she took a glance from her shoulder then she mouthed "You know what?Lets just be professionals"

And from that words,I have my answers.But soon to soon I will find a way to make a bliss with her again.

Author's Note:How is that minna?Please leave feedbacks so I can improve my writings,Season 3 will be out soon so I decided to make a fanfic,please vote comment and follow!If you want to add me on facebook,my name is Yukiko Hamano!

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