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After the dinner,I drove Hanji home with a quick peck on lips and bid a goodbyeI went home as dark consumes and fall asleep.

I was woken up by my alarm clock.Life has never worst but never better atleast.I took a bath and get dressed with my usual attire as I go out of the building driving th hight for five minutes then I stop at a cafe to grab something to eat and to warm my stomach.I handed the cashier the cash and got out with a coffee in my hand and a piece of toast.I went inside of my car to continue my journey on the way to my company.

As soon as I arrive,I walk straight to my office ignoring anyone who greet me.I entered my quarter and sat on my usual chair having a coffee in my hand.My peaceful coffee break were interrupted by someone knocking on my door."Come in" I said then a girl came in who I cant really see her face because of large stack of papers she's holding which causes her to tripped down,spilling my coffee on my pants,ouch it burns but I didnt let her see that I am hurt so I dispay my usual emotionless face in front of her.

"Oh god sir sorry" she panicked and grab a table napkin on my desk then bending down wiping the spilled coffee on my pants.I got shocked!As I look into the door I saw Hanji forming tears in her eyes then I push the girl and dash out to Hanji but she already run away.I shot a death glare on the girl and ran off to find Hanji.


I should have known!I should have known that I cant trust him from the very moment we have met.I cried while running away completely doesnt even have any idea where I was heading to but I want to be out of here.Ignoring all the eyes following me I dash outside as I look back I saw Levi running followed by Petra.I cant believe it,I know Petra is prettier than me,Levi only said that he love me because he doesnt meet Petra that time,now their paths intersect I am completely useless to his eyes.I cried even more on my own though.I have no idea that I am out of the building and in the middle of the highway ready to be hit by a truck but a strong arms pull out of the way as I here the driver badmouthing me,but I shrug it off.I thank Moblit for saving me I suddenly hug him and cry like a baby ignoring the fact that people are surrounding us.I saw Levi and Petra approaching but I continue hugging Moblit,he's my trusted assistant.

"Hanji,I..." Levi started but I cut him off as he tried to touch me

"Dont touch me!Get the fucking away from me" I shouted

"Hanji its that" Petra tried to butt in but I cut her

"I dont need your words Petra" I said with a venom on my voice

Levi forcefully grab me away from Moblit making me look in eyes,the eyes that I melt into onc

"Hanji it was an accident,believe me" he said as he soften his grip

"Hanji its just that I spilled his coffee and I panicked knowing he's the boss and I got afraid that I might lose my job so I grab the napkin and wipe off the coffee but if you really dont forgive him because of my wrong I might really lose my job" Petra explained.I almost laughed at her remarks,as I look into Levi's eyes then peck him on the lips.Sometimes Misunderstanding turns relationships sweeter than it already is.

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