Untitled Part 6

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As soon as I sent Hanji the email,I exited my office or should I say the whole building.I went home,why?oh because I wanted to.And also to prepare for Hanji.I search on the internet on how to make a girl fall in love with me in just one night,it says invite her in a romantic dinner.So I ask a few people to make fancy foods and deliver it to my quarter tonight.I also ask them to bring me some candles and rose petals.I want this night to be with Hanji,a perfect night for the woman who soften my frozen heart.

After a few hours of preparation with the help of few staffs.I decided to take a nap after I make sure that everything ready and perfect.I said nap but later on I sink into a deep slumber.

I groan opening my eyes,gently rubbing it forcing myself to wake up.Its odd because I never really sleep that much in the 25 years of my existance.I took a quick glance at my clock,it says 7:30 pm.I got up and texted Erwin that Hanji cant come to her work and I'll pay her time because you know the rules when you work on a club.The customer must pay every second of a lady's time.

I call the staffs to deliver the things that I have ask them to.And they came in setting the foods in the transparent glass table with rose petals scattered on the floor and a scented candle forming a heart shape surrounding the table.Every detail is perfect.I go to my bathroom to take a quick shower as I finish cleaning myself I wrap a towel around my torso.I'm about to get dress when a knock interrupted me.Shit Hanji is already here.I opened the door only to find Hanji scanning me from head to toe.Damnit,I literally hit myself because of my current state,water dripping from my hair with only towel covering my lower half.I dont Hanji to think that I call her here just to take advantage of her body again.

I step aside to let her come in. "You can sit on the couch and wait for me,I have get dressed"I said as I dash out to my walk in closet.I came back wearing a semi formal attire.I led Hanji to the balcony where I prepare the dinner.She was mesmerize at the sight which made me smile.

"Did you prepare all these?"she said not looking back to me,her sight was lock in the dinner as she adjusted her glasses

"uhh,staffs help me to" I answered,I can feel that she's not comfortable so I ask her "what's with the uneasyness Hanji?"

"Its just that I feel out of place,all of it is quite fancy and you're in a formal wear and I'm just with my usual cloth" she said as she look down

"It doesnt matter" I said as we sat across from each other munching our food silently.The atmosphere is not awkward but relaxing.

"I know you are wondering why I call you here its because I want us to be a couple officially" I said like its normal.Her eyes widen wide shock.I got up from my seat and kissed her,a passionate kiss not a lustful one.

"and also I want to take responsibility of what I did,its not because of that but because..I love you,even if its just a day we interact I've fallen already for you" I said as I break the kiss

She look down.God I'm afraid of what her answer will be "I.......love you....too" she said looking back to me...

Those words are the words I wanted to hear...I want to hear it over and over again...

Author's Note:

HOW's that minna?yeah I know I'm updating pretty fast because School will be tomorrow so I cant update but I'll try.Dont forget to vote and comment.Also follow me because I have lots of LeviHan story in my mind,See ya later on the next chapter!😃

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