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I go back to my building with a heavy feeling in my chest,if this was a dream I really want to wake up.Hanji please wake me up from this stupid nightmare.I walk slower than normal on the way to my office afraid to face anyone,afraid to face Hanji.I really dont want it to end this way,but I know have to and I got to.

As soon as I see my office I quickly entered and shut the door.I sat in my usual chair doing nothing but thinking.I have to choose,I have to come upwith a choice that I wont regret.Lost in my own train of thoughts,I didn't even notice that Hanji entered my quarter.I cant even look at her,she approach me and bend down no peck my lips but I turn away from her avoiding the kiss.

"Levi what's wrong?Is something bothering you?" she ask with worry painted on her face

"nothing" I said quickly resulting a groan from her

"You know you can tell me" she said

"I already said nothing so just shut up" I said coldly

"Levi,I have the right to know everything,I am your girlfriend after all"

"Says who?Girlfriend my foot,you are nothing more than a mere whore" I said

"Levi,why are you like that?this morning you said you love but now you are acting like a eat different person,It's not the Levi I know and love" she said as tears began pouring down like a fountain on her face

"That's because already get what I want you are nothing but a playmate,you actually believe that I love you?I thought you are intelligent but you are completely a fool" I said harshly

"Levi lets fix this" she said crying as she hold my hand but I pull it back

"We have no business to fix Hanji" as I got up from my seat then walk out the door,leaving her there,completely shattered.God I am really an asshole!I exited the building as fast as I can.I got to my car as soon as I enter,tears began pouring from my eyes.I want to go back there and clarify things with Hanji,hug her,kiss her and held her in my arms but I cant,its for her own good.I want to tell her that I dont mean any piece of shit words spouting from my piece of shit mouth during that time.I wanna go back and try it again,turn back the time this isn't the end of us.

I went out my car and entered the building,I walk pass everyone ignoring stares from everybody.I enter the elevator,as the memories began to play in my head,how we start and how we ended up like this.This elevator is one of the witnesses of how much I love Hanji.At thw thought my legs began shaking as I fall into the ground like a helpless child in the street with no one to hold,no one to love and no one care about.I ran my fingers through my hair,my hair is wet due to sweat and my uniform is also wet because of mixture of sweat at tears.I am already a mess,If I am in my proper mind right now I would be disgusted by myself but right now,I no longer care.

I got out of elevator and getting myself be welcome by my own room.It feels a little bit bigger now,it feels empty.I punch the wall,shouting,screaming and cursing the world,cursing everyone and cursing myself.I punch the wall hard as my hand begins to bleed,but I feel nothing.I fell into the floor trembling,crying as my eyes begin to shut.


I tremble grabbing the shelf as a support,I cant believe what he just said,he doesnt love me anymore or maybe doesnt EVEN love back from the start.Right from the start he was playing with me,and I,a dumb enough woman fall for his bait.I cry my eyes out,I dont care if anyone sees me like this,like the fuck I care for my life anymore.The door opened revealing the small girl with stramberry blond hair,Petra.

"Hanji what happened to you?" she said bending down to help me up because I am already crumpled.My hair messier than usual my glasses are not in their proper places.I didnt answer her I just hug her with my dear life as I cry harder on her shirt.She rubbed my back,comforting me.She held me in her arms until my phone buzzed.I took a glance on the caller,its the hospital where my mother was in.

I answered it with my shaking voice."Hello?"I said."Hanji we need you here right away" the caller said and hung up the phone.I tremble limb by limb,scared to know the news.

"Hanji is something wrong" Petra ask

"I need to get to the hospital" and with that I get up with my shaking legs as Petra supported me,I wipe my tears but the redness of my eyes remained.I am planning to go there with my own but Petra insisted that she wants to drive me to my destination,that I thank her to.

I entered the hospital and run to my mothers room.My legs crumpled at the sight that they already put a cloth to cover my mother's body.I crawl to her side and hug her as if my life depends on her.Now,I got no one,No Levi,No Mother.Just Me.I let my self fall into a deep slumber.

As soon as I wake up,my mother was no longer on my side,I grab my phone in my pocket and leave an email to the company that I want to resign.Even if they dont want to,there's no one can stop me.There's no reason for me to work hard and even to live for.I got no one.I cry even more as I think about the miserable life waiting for me.

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