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A few days after the incident,I let Hanji stay on my apartment,well I still havent made a move because right now she was still on debriefing.I drove for about an hour to go to Hanji's place to take my son that is under Eren's care for about a week,I really am sorry for causing the teenager such trouble with my son.

I got out of my car as soon as I arrive,I knock three times and be welcomed by Eren wil an eyebag almost falling down to his cheekbone,sure thing my son is as stubborn as me.He step to the side and make space enough for me to go inside and I see two other teenager playing with my son.

"Eren,who are they?" I ask out of curiousity

"They are my friends" Eren answered

"Are you sure they can be trusted" I whisper but enough for him to hear

"They are my childhood friends and Hanji knows them also,they help Hanji while raising your son" he said,I was relieve that Hanji chose good people for my son to hang around.I go to Hanji's bedroom and pack her things then put it in my car as I change my son's clothes and handed the kids the payment for taking care of my son,I was about to make it triple but they refuse,they just want the right amount.I carry my son and put him on the roller and put him on my car as I drove,he just laugh at the places fastly passing by.I never see my son this happy before because almost all of his existance,I wasnt there to help Hanji raise but instead those three teenagers took my place,sometimes I feel jealous about Eren because the past two years that I was gone he was there on Hanji's side during her hard times and good times and he watch Rivaille grow that suppostedly,I should be the one doing.My son fell asleep during our long journey.I got out of my car carrying Rivaille on my right arm while I carry Hanji's packed things on the other.I put the things down as I press the elevator button up to my room.We go inside and waited until we arrive at our destination.I heard the ding sound as we exited the elevator back to my apartment.Once I opened the door Hanji was already sitting on the couch,as soon as she sees Rivaille she took him from me as Rivaille slowly opened his eyes and greeted by his mother's face,they play along completely ignoring and forgetting my existance,I feel like I've been stab by a knife straight to the heart.Hanji turn around looking at me with Rivaille on her side.She approach me carrying the child.

"What is your name sir?" Rivaille said,I'm surprise because he already can talk straight no wonder he got his intelligence from his mother

"Seriously Hanji?you havent introduce me to my son?" I said

"Its not my fault" she said laughing

I took Rivaille away from her

"I am Levi your father" I said patting his head.

"Dad,do you love mommy?" he ask,God this kid sure is intelligent

"Ofcourse,I do" I said winking at Hanji,she just rolled her eyes

Rivaille wave his tiny hand motioning Hanji to pick him up as he rubbed his eyes,Hanji step closer allowing her hand to slid down to his small body carrying him to the bed as I stand there doing nothing but sit.

Hanji sat beside me as we open the television,we watch in silence (They are watching Fifty Shades Darker) until I decided to broke it with my own mouth.

"Hanji,What did Zeke do to you while you are under his care" care my fist,but its not.

"Harass me sexually ofcourse,that fucking old hog" she said as she greeted her teeth to calm herself as the past memories begin to play.I notice her uneasiness so I decided to drop the topic.Again,we sat in silence at the atmosphere were field with awkwardness.She yawn and stand up and headed to the bedroom.


My eyes are still close but I force them to open up as a movement on the bed began to grow closer.My eyes went wide when I was greeted my Levi's stare,staring deep into my soul.He is on top of me,I am aware on what's going on so I tried to push him but he press his body closer to me,allowing no space to move.

"Levi,what are you doing?" I said even though the answer is obvious

"You know Hanji" he said kissing and sucking my neck.

"Levi,you make us stay here because you said you want to take care our child,not to make another child" I said trying to breakfree

Our little session were interrupted by Rivaille's cry,good child he always know when to distract someone,I heard Levi mumble something like shit as he move to pick Rivaille up.He look at me the way he did during our first night,oh oh...Those kind of glare,it is saying that we still have a business to settle but I shrugged it off and take another nap.

I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chest and notice that Rivaille was using my chest as a pillow and Levi is sleeping next to me.Good thing I woke up with my clothes still on.I gently put Rivaille to his father's side and went straight to kitchen to prepare some dinner for the two men.I prepare just the basic food I know (because Author Yukiko doesnt know how to cook,just imagine what Hanji is cooking😂) a few minutes after I prepare the table and let the dishes be settle flat.

Levi came carrying our baby,rubbing his eyes.Rivaille really assembles Levi's physical appearance.He sat on the chair with Rivaille on his lap,slowly feeding him while he just mess with his dad.I smile at the scene,we can be a picture of a perfect family if only its ever gonna be.Levi notice as he took a glance.

"Hanji what's wrong?" he ask,stopping what he was doing causing Rivaille to reach the spoon and feed himself improperly making the food fall to the floor

"Nothing" I respond,eating my food.I wish this moment can be capture forever and shall not turn into a faded memories.

YAY!!!!Yukiko is back again with another chapter!!I dont know if I'll be able to update tomorrow but after 3 days or a week I will be back with 3-5 chapters


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