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Tomorrow is Rivaille's 4th birthday so I decided to celebrate it in the beach with Nanaba,Mike,Eren,Mikasa and Armin because they are the one suggested me to do this kind of stuff.We pack our things,food and playing materials it will be a two-day long celebration.My baby is getting older.

"Hanji-san are you ready?" Armin ask

"Yeah!" I smile

We got to the van that Mike rented and headed to the Maria beach resort.After of hours of traveling we arrive at our destination.

"Woah,looks like a paradise" Nanabe chime

"I didnt know,you guys.have such a good taste" I said teasingly to the teens as Mike sniff

"I can already smell the ocean" he said

I woke Rivaille up becaus he has fallen asleep during the travel.He woke up,stretching

"Mommy,where are we?" he ask still half asleep

"In the beach son" I replied

"Where's Daddy?" everyday,its always like this he would always ask me where is his father and I will always make him drop the topic

"Look baby,its the ocean" I said as I point out to the large mass of water where most of people are playing and building sand castles.He look to the direction and run towards the water.

"Guys,you should go check our bedrooms,I will tour Rivaille around" I said and run to catch up with my son but my son bump into someone causing him to land in his butt.

"I'm so sorry Miss" I said as I help my son to stand not even looking at the lady

"Hanji,Is that you?" she ask,I look at her and my eyes were widen as I was staring at the familiar face of.....

"Petra?What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"No,I should be the one asking you that " she said

"Well,tomorrow will be Rivaille's fourth birthday so we decided to celebrate it here" I said as Petra look down to my son that is hugging my legs.

Our conversation were interrupted as a group of boys approach us.

"Petra who are you talking to?" Eld ask

"Hanji" Petra respond to him as he look at me

"Hanji is that really you?" he ask

"well,yeah?I guess" I said as Oluo bit his tongue

We continued our chitchat until they decided to take their leave but they ask me where are we checking in and I gave them the location.We are heading to the direction of the hotel when Rivaille ran off tugging the man's shirt.

"Daddy!!" Rivaille said to the man

"I'm sorry sir" I said as I pick up my son

"Its okay Mrs.." he said turning around.....

L E V I?!!

"you're son is cute and he looks like me?" he said as his eyebrow rose up

Stupid.He is your son have you forgotten?I really wanna say it in front of his face but I did not

"Yeah." I said and left....What is Levi doing here?why does he said something like that?I need to ask Petra about it.


I was searching for Levi a few minutes ago until I spotted him near the sea with a familiar brunnette woman...Hanji?!!my heartbeat increases as the name of her rang through my mind and scenarios begin to play..Why does she have to show up here?Why does it has to be before our wedding?They cant find out...nobody can...I am willing to do everything...for the future of my son...Lord please,he is just a year-old kid.

I watch Hanji as she leave with her son,I smile because Levi didnt stop her,she's probably just a stranger for him.It's better if things will stay this way.

FLASHBACK (from two years ago before I met Levi)

I was in a relationship with a man who I really love,if you can call it a relationship but he is just my body guard,I give him my all as in all,includes my body and virginity.

One month has pass and I started to feel dizzy and I am always hungry.I take a hold of my belly and I smile.I bought a pregnancy test and try it in the bathroom and it turns out to be positive.I cry,tears of joy.

I am going to tell him that I am pregnant but I cant find him.I ask my driver but my heart shattered as I learn out that he left me.I hold my belly and cried this time not from happiness.What if my Dad find out that I was pregnant with no father?Specially when he finds out that I was impregranate by my bodyguard.He would kill me and my child,knowing how strict he is and how badly he wants money.

Then there's Hanji,my Dad's secretary I learn that she is a single parent but the father of her child was willing to do everything to win her back.I am jealous of her,I was two month pregnant that time and Mr.Levi Ackerman is the father of her child,look how lucky she is.I stalk them everyday,until an idea came to my mind,I should be the one on Hanji's position.Hanji is a strong girl she can raise her child alone while me...I cant.There's a proposal but I said to Dad that I would be the one to present to Mr.Levi...That time I tried to flirt with him.I dont care if he'd fuck me because if that really happen,I could make him dance in the palm of my hand,and make an accusation that he is the father of my son but things didnt go according to my plan because his loyalty is still on Hanji.

I follow Hanji to her work and pretend as a customer as I heard their conversation that she will surprise Levi that day,another plan came to my mind.I need to be there to make my next move.

I know that Hanji will arrive soon so I flirt with Levi again eventhough I am already pregnant but the baby bump is not noticeable yet.I parted my legs again but it doesnt work still so I force him into a french kiss as I sat down to his lap.He tried to push me multiple times but I kept my composture as Hanji opened the door....and they chase each other.

I feel bad about Hanji but what else can I do?I cant lose my son and I dont want my son to grow up without a father and by that fact,I see Levi as a perfect one.He might look like he dont care but when it comes to his son he is so caring,and I want that care for my son.As Hanji left him,I was there during his hard times,I was there during everything.

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