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A knock on my door cause me and Petra to wake up,I open the door as a lady handed me a white gown and a make up artist come in.

"Maam,I think you are in the wrong room" I said because I'm sure I dont make them come up here nor Petra because she is also puzzled.Nanaba came to my room along with others with a confuse and a questioning look on their faces.What the hell is wrong with these people.A bunch of ladies came to my room with plenty blue and white dresses and tux on their hand as they force us,including Rivaille to change into the fancy dresses.

After few hours of make up and stuff we are finally finish,I dont even know why the hell we have to put on such things.

We got to the beach,its a beach wedding or should I say BITCH wedding,so we are going to Levi and Breanna's wedding,yeah right!I'm gonna witness the man I love to marry other girl.I want to cry but I cant.we sat down as themusic began to play and Breanna starts to walk on the aisle as she approach him.

"Do you Breanna Lockster take Levi Ackerman as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold for richer and for poorer and in sickness and in health..." the preacher says but he was cut off by Breanna

"As much as I want to marry him but he doesnt want to marry me because his heart belongs to someone else" she said as she look me straight to my soul.

"And she's over there " she continued pointing at me,all the guest have their eyes on me.Breanna walk forward as she approach me wearing off her veil and putting it on my head

"Go ahead Hanji,do you want Levi to wait another two years for you?" she said smirking,I got up as Kenny escorted me to Levi.

"Do you Levi....." the preacher started but once again he was cut off

"Just cut to the chase!" Erwin said,I pity the preacher he was always cut off

"Before anything,I want to say that,Hanji Zoe,my brain may not remember you completely but my heart says that you fulfill the missing puzzle of me and my soul remember the name that was encarve to me as the time come that I met you" Levi said,tears forming to my eyes

"HANJI DONT CRY!!YOUR EYELINER!" Nanaba yell causing everyone to laugh

"You may now kiss the bride" the preacher announce

"YOU SHOULD SAY YOU MAY NOW KISS THE GROOM,LIKE HELLO HANJI IS TALLER THAN LEVI" Eren yelled,oh Jaeger..Pray that you will live after this

I kiss Levi on lips as we savour our moment together.

"Long live for the ah.." Oluo couldnt finish his sentence sentence because you know,he bit his tongue again.

"Long live for the newly wedded couple" Petra announce as everyone cheered.

This might not be the wedding that I dreamed but I learn that perfection doesnt mean it has to be neatly finish without anything gotten wrong,but it means that no matter how hard the time is for you as long as you continue,perfection is already within you.

Perfection is what they sought,a knight in the shining armour saving his damsel in distress sharing the same fairytale bliss but soon too soon they will find out that fairytale cant be in real life but a real life can become a fairytale.

This is the story of how we met and how we ended,but this was the very first page not where the story line ends as we open another chapter of our life not two but as one.


Heyooo readers!Thank you for supporting my book from beginning to ending,its been fourteen days since I started wattpad.

An epic story deserves an epic ending.

Please support my other LeviHan book entitled IF ONLY,the first few chapters will be uploaded TODAY I wont tell the time.

IF ONLY(A LEVIHAN FANFIC) was actually base off the doujinshi that I made one month ago but unfinish,stay tune minna.Thank you for 250+ reads


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