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Its already midnight,right now I'm with Erwin tracing Hanji's location but its harder than I thought,few hours ago she is on Madison Rose Garden,well near that area but later on she is in the closed High School of Shingeki,but now she is on the prohibited area of the town where most of the criminals live.We waited until this time to see if she's gonna change location again but luckily she didnt.We made a map using our phones and an offensive and defensive plan during the rescue and the escape plan after the rescue.

"Levi,we need to gather forces to execute this plan,if not we're gonna fail" Erwin says

"I know,we can hire a few men" I replied as I texted my uncle Kenny


Levi:Kenny I need your help

Kenny:what for?

Levi:Hanji's been kidnapped

Kenny:Didnt I told you to stay away from her

Levi:I did in the past two years

Kenny:You let your guard down,now face the consequences

Levi:please just this once

Kenny:be man enough Levi,save that girl,We're gonna back you up,I'm gathering our men

Conversation ended 12:34 am

"We have to sleep Levi,we dont want to be sleepy during the upcoming fight" Erwin said as he got up from his chair.He go to the sofa while I stay on the chair letting the dark consume me.

I woke up a few hours later,I check the time its already 5 in the morning,I woke Erwin up

"Erwin,I need to go" I said

"Go where?" he ask rubbing his eyes to shake off the sleepiness,yawning and stretching

"To my son" I said

"TO YOUR WHAT?!" he shouted.Geez I still havent told him

"you wanna come?" I offer him

"why not?I think the baby looks like a miniature of you" he said as we headed straight to the door,leaving our spot.We go to my car and started a long silent journey until Erwin broke the atmosphere.

"So,Levi did you know that Hanji is pregnant when you broke up with her"

"No,if I know then I wont break her"

And then the awkward silence again

We arrived at Hanji's house,knocking on her door hoping that the teenage brat will open it up

After a while of standing outside,the door finally fly open revealing the yawning Eren.

I push him to the side and welcome myself.

"Eren,where is my son?" I ask

"upstairs,sleeping" as soon as he replied I dash upstair to the only room where my son is already awake crying while Erwin and Eren just trail off.

I pick up my son to comfort him.

"Mommy...wahhh" he cried

"shhh.Mommy's gonna be here later okay?" I said looking at his stone-cold gray eyes like mine

"wow,Levi he looks a lot like you,you did good job on the sheets with Hanji" he said holding his laugh while Eren just stare with us blankly,he didnt even get what Erwin just said

I rubbed Rivaille's back until he quit crying,and get back to his peaceful sleep.I kissed his head and face Eren.

"listen brat,protect my son until I get back and be sure to clean him because if I get back with my son being dirty,I'll skin you alive" I threated the boy who cowered in fear

We got out of the house into the forbidden area of the town.We drove for seems like an hour or two just to meet a silent place of Marley.I never heard off silence quite this loud,but I know somethings hidden in the dark and the voice will come out of nowhere in this silence.Until we heard a gunshot,I took a glance at Erwin,he manage to dodge the bullet halfway but still it leaves a shallow wound,I look up to see the gunner,its Annie Leonhardt.As soon as she see me looking at her she escape and after a few moment we are surrounded by the Marleyans.An injectable bullet hits my nape causing me to lose my balance,half of my lid starts to shut down but I fought up the darkness until my eyes were completely exhausted.


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