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Its already night time so after we ate our dinner I make Rivaille his milk to sleep.My brain thought were running like an endless train about Levi.After Rivaille fell asleep I call Petra to come here because I want answers.

I open the door as soon as I heard a knock.

"Petra come in I want to talk to you" I said as I make her comfortable in the couch

"What is it about Hanji?" Petra spoke up

"Its about Levi,What happened while I was gone?" I said

"Its a long story" she said

"dont worry we got all night"

"Hanji,when you are riding the bus,Levi ran off chasing the bus with his bare legs but the distance between you and him widen,we knew this because we also chase him after he ran off after you,he fell to his knees because he felt hopeless we ran to him but before we can approach him he stand and hitted by a fast moving car,we call an ambulance and we headed straight to the ICU,after that the doctor says that when he wakes up he would probably wont remember anything,and so it did. A lady came to the hospital named Breanna were mouthing that she cant lose the father of her child which we doubt,but she keeps claiming Levi as her boyfriend and that's why we are here,since Breanna's child were already a year,they decide that they should get married" she told me the whole story as she look down to her knees

"I'm sorry Hanji,we cant do anything to stop the wedding,even Levi's uncle cant postpone the ceremony and its happening tomorrow" she cried

Tears fell down my cheeks,I didnt know that these past two years Levi was suffering from amnesia because of me.

"Hanji,its not your fault" she comforted me and hug me

"Its all my fault,I didnt even bother to hear his explanation" I cried

"Do you want me to stay for the night?" she ask which I gladly accepted,I need someone to cry on


My headache gotten worse since that kid approach me calling me his Dad..

Arrgggh.I cant stand it anymore!! I can see a woman's face with a brown hair with glasses she was crying while I am chasing her....on a high way?she's riding a bus...

"Hanji..." I said reluctantly.Hanji?who's Hanji?

I call Eld to come here because he is in the other room because tomorrow is my wedding,but my mind were occupied by something else.

Eld came in."Sir what happened to you?" he ask worrying about my worsen condition

"Hanji" I said

"What?" he said

"Who is Hanji?" I ask him as I make an eyecontact.I want to know about this Hanji girl.

"She's...she is your ex girlfriend" he said as he take a deep breath

"And the mother of your child" he continued

"What?" I ask as my head begins to hurt again

"I'm not gonna force you to remember sir" he said

"No,I want to know everything"

"You said Hanji,is my ex and the mother of my child,so you mean I have another child excluding the child that I treat as my own son with Breanna?" I am really confuse right now

"Its our opinion Sir,we your trusted workers have a doubt about that child that Breanna gave birth,but we are sure that Rivaille,the child of Hanji is really your son,not to mention he really looks like you while that child you are taking care off doesnt even assemble any single piece of you" he said

"Where's that Hanji?I want to see my son and her before I get married" I said


I was panicking,now that Hanji is just a few meters away from us there's big posibility that my wedding might be postpone or worst it will be just my wildest dream.After years that I have been with Levi I grew feelings for him and I am doing this not for my son but for myself also. My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts,an unfamiliar number pop up.I pick it up

"Breanna,come here,to the ocean" the unknown man said

"who the hell are you?" I yell but he already hung it up.I went to the ocean and I see my Dad there,and my....ex?why!

"Breanna" he said

"What the fuck are you doing here?fucking leave this place already!" I shouted

"Breanna,is that how you treat the father of your child?" my eyes widen in fear as my father said those words

"Brean,he told me everything about your affair with and you ruin Hanji and Levi's relationship to cover up with your child?I'm gonna cancel your wedding tomorrow,Brean I am really disappointed with you" father said.

"No,Dad please dont" I beg

"Why do you still want to do it?" he ask

"The wedding were no longer for me,for once I dont want to be selfish...Hanji deserves this not me,please continue the wedding for her sake" I said as we contact the coordinators due to change of plans.I want to make it up to Levi,to Hanji and to all people that I cause trouble because of my selfishness but what else can I do?A mother wants nothings more than her child's good.

ONE MORE TRY (A LEVIHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now