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I woke up with cold hitting my back,I rubbed my eyes as I adjust to darkness but its harder to recognise the place because my vision is blurry due to losing my glasses.It seems like I was in a cell then the door swung open revealing an old man,but not too old maybe in his late Forty's.

"Look what we have here,you are Mr.Ackerman's girlfriend,isnt you?" he said with a smirk.I wanna get rid of that smirk out of his face,but I realise that both of my hand and legs were chained to the wall leaving my legs wide open while I am wearing a skirt.Oh no,why does it has to be skirt.

"I am not!" I said angrily but my voice broke down halfway

He come near me as he touches my legs up to my skirt lifting it up revealing my undies.

"I know Levi already fuck the shit out of you but,I think you are good,do you want Levi to hear you screaming and moaning my name,by the way my name is Zeke" he said as he torn off my blouse and snatch my cellphone.

"Do you want me to call Mr.Ackerman?" he ask but I stay silent

He dialed Levi's phone number because I dont have it on my phone but he knows it.The reciever picked up.

On the line:

"Hello,this is Levi Ackerman,state your name and business"

"You dont have to be so formal" Zeke said teasingly to Levi

"Asshole!!what do you want?!" levi shouted

"Dont be so rude to me unless you want your pretty lady get banged in the sheet and lifeless"

he said as he grope my breast really hard that cause me to scream in pain

"Hanji?Hanji is that you?leave her alone bastard" Levi cursed

"Levi,help me" I said as tears bagan to pour

"How sweet of you!" Zeke said as he slap me

"Dont hurt her!!" Levi stated threatingly

"You got 24 hours to face us Levi or we'll kill your bitch but I'm gonna play with her while you're not here" he said,Levi was about to say something but he cutted off the line

"Damn you asshole!" I said but he just moved my panties to the side and started fingering me.I just screamed and continued to call Levi until I got to more voice

Levi save me...


It's already night but Hanji-san is still not here,I wonder though.I heard a knock on the door.It must be Hanji.I opened the door revealing the short guy earlier I just picked up Rivaille in case that this man mean any harm to both of us.

"Dont worry I mean no harm,How can I hurt my own child" he said as if reading my thoughts

"Wait,You are Rivaille's father?Ms.Hanji never mentioned your name" I said as I look into Rivaille,he really looks like this man.No wonder he really is Rivaille's father.

"Sir,do you happen to know where Hanji is?" I ask

"No.but right now she needs some rescue,Eren is your name right?please take care of our son until we get back,dont worry I will pay you triple" he said as he kissed Rivaille's forehead,and bid his goodbye while Rivaille just touch the spot where his father kissed.Why does Hanji needs some rescue?I hugged Rivaille tighter and pray that whatever happened to Hanji,she has to be safe.


I want to stay with my son but I have to save my future wife.Yeah I know but its just me.I contact one of my men to trace Hanji's phone,and luckily he arrived on time,I left an email to Petra and explain the situation and ask her that tomorrow if I left to go to Hanji,if we dont come back after three hours since we have left she needs to call the police,the whole military if we got to.

Hang on Hanji,I am coming,I'll save you...


Zeke tried to kiss me but I denied causing him to punch me in the stomach,I wince in pain,He spread my legs and chain it in the rim of the bed as he put a sex toy on my womanhood and turning the vibration to maximum.He left and says that tomorrow if Levi dont arrive he'll be fucking the shit out of me,I'd rather be fuck by Levi again than be fuck by an old hog,even if I hate Levi I'd rather be on his mercy.The toy vibrates fast causing me to unexpectedly,I want to get it off but I cant....

Levi be here fast...

I dont want to be fuck by a hog with a shit face.

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