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After that little moment with Hanji,My phone buzzed,as I looked at the screen my uncle Kenny was calling me out,I pick it up as his husky voice gives shiver down my spine.

"Hello,do you have any business with me by any means?" I said coldly,to be honest I dont really like the fact that he is calling me right now despite him being the one who raise me but he is never been a parent type to me.

"Levi I need to talk to you" he said within the line

"You are talking to me right now asshole"

"Dont put logic on me Levi,at the cafe down town sharp" he said commanding me

I got out of my office and headed to my parking lot where my car is,I swiftly moved inside to the driver's seat starting the engine,heading to my already said destination.After minutes to passing building to building,block by block and street to street.I have finally arrive

A warm smile greeted me as I enter the cafe only to find the asshole or should be known as my Shitty Uncle sat one of the tables near the glass wall making his feet comfortable while I approach him with pure disgust.Fucking disgusting.

"Levi you're finally here" he said moving his feet on the table

"Just say what you want old hog" I said grumpily

"Is that how you greet your uncle who raise for fucking years after your mother passed away?"

"Just cut to the chase" I groogily said losing my cool

"Fine,leave the girl alone" he demaded with an authority on his voice


"Dont play dumb on me Levi,I know you every inch"

"We are not even.." I tried to denied

"Not even you say!Fucking that lady in any place you like,is that what "not even" means to you?!"

"Why would I leave the woman I love?"

"because I dont want you to,its for your own safety and hers"

"listen here you piece of shit,I'm not gonna let her go"

"Leave her before they kill her,If you really love her do it for her sake"

I felt a pain in my chest.There's no way I will leave Hanji's side but I dont want her to die,I already knkw what he means by them...they are the one who's responsible for my mother's death.

I have to leave Hanji even if she despise all of my being I dont care as long as she continued to live.Now the secret of ours wont be able to be keep as a secret but a memories or just a fantasy.Forget about what happened between us and be a strangers for good.I dont want to hurt her but I dont want to lose her either.Whatever it is,sure it will hurt not only me buf both of us.

ONE MORE TRY (A LEVIHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now