Not an Update

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Hey guys! Sorry to get your hopes up, but this isn't an update, lol. Just a little quick note and shameless advertisement. I'm coming out with a couple of new books, which is big for me, because I've been working on the same 3 or 4 books for years now. I mean, I have written about all of my characters so many times for so long that I feel like I personally know them.

I know many of you read all of my books, so I wanted to give you guys a heads up. My newest book that I'm posting, is entitled "Banks". I am in love with it already, because the storyline is so different than anything I've ever written. It's basically about a one night stand that turns out to be total hell. I don't want to give out too much info, but you can go ahead and read the description on my page.

(You can read that chapter, while you're waiting for this book to update ;).)

The second book that I'm working on is entitled "Jaxon Blaine". Which is basically like all of my stories put together, but it relies heavily on comedy and romance (who doesn't love them?). That book unfortunately won't be up for a while, but I'll let you guys know when.

Thank you so much guys, I've been loving your feedback. I read every single comment and pm, they're so funny.

Have a good day <3

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