Chapter 1- Surprise

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A/N: So this is my first time writing a story. I was just wondering if I could actually write one. 😁. Anyway let's move on into the story.

Lala's P.O.V

So here I am in my classroom waiting for the teacher to get here.
It's just another boring day at school ( I hate school...I do love my friends though).

My friends are the only reason I come to school but there's still a tiny little part of me that actually cares about my school work. Plus I need to make my parents proud. There's also another reason I go to school.

There's this guy I've liked since the 9th grade. He's a little taller than me and has red hair. His eyes are dark brown and I could look at them all day. He's funny and smart and-

My thoughts are cut off by the teacher calling my name.

"LALA! ", he shouts to which I jump out of my seat.

"Yes sir", I say frightened and confused. I look around to see the class seated and staring at me then they suddenly burst out laughing.

"Where is your homework? ", he says. I definitely did my homework so with a big smile on my face I turn around searching my bag for it, but, it was no where to be found. I think back to this morning.

"Lala get up! ", my sister shouts. Why is everyone shouting at me today? Anyway afterwards...
I lay in bed not wanting to go to school then suddenly I'm on the floor - my sister dragged me off of the bed.

I get up, argue with her for a while, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, pack my ba-

"You left your homework on the dresser you idiot!" I torture myself silently.

"Lala? ", I hear the teacher's voice. My back is still turned to him.

I slowly turn around. "Yes sir?, " I respond, giggling nervously.

"Where's your homework? ", he repeats.

I laugh nervously and say, "I forgot it", the smile escaping my face as I say that. "Can I bring it tomorrow" I try to negotiate knowing it won't help because he is not like other teachers that give warnings.

"No you can not ", he says sternly. "But you can bring it to me before school ends," he says with an innocent smile on his face.

"How!," I exclaim.

"I don't know how but you'll figure it out. After all, you're a smart girl," he says before starting class.

I sit in my seat pondering on how to do the damn homework for the rest of the class. It's not like I have any tools I can use to do it at school.


Most days at school, my friends and I meet in the science lab. We're a really big group and everyone knows I have a crush.

I've never been in a relationship before and I'm still a virgin at the age of 17 and I'm proud of myself for that.

I walk into the lab greeting all of my friends and they greet back. I see my best friend sitting and she turns to look at me. Whenever I see my best friend it's always like a dramatic slow motion scene in a movie.

We run to each other and suddenly someone walks by so we stop... run again and then hug for a long time. And then laugh at the fact that we stopped for the person to walk by.

My best friend's name is Amanda but everyone calls her Amy.

We sit down and as soon as we sit I remember what happened this morning.

"You won't believe what happened to me in class this morning ," I say.

" What?"

" I forgot my homework and now I don't know how I'm going to get it done without any tools!" I say, worry filling my tone. "And I have to take it in before school ends!" I add.

She thinks for a moment before saying the craziest thing ever. "Lets go get them then!"

"Huh?.. I'm sorry, what?," I say with a confused look on my face to which she starts laughing.

"Let's go get them!," she repeats with a bright and amused expression.

"No, no way! I've skipped class before, but I've never left school in the middle of the freaking day!," I say. My voice getting louder with every word.

You'd think everyone would stop what they're doing and stare at me but no one did cause they know I'm crazy sometimes and they're used to it. The only person's that stared were the persons walking by and some other persons that came into the lab.

"Calm down. We can go and get back here before lunch ends. Your house isn't that far anyway... if we take a cab," she says.

"No, no way. I am not going,"I say with a serious tone in my voice.


So here I am, sneaking into my own house with my best friend for my homework 😒.

And you know what's really funny? No one's home and yet, we're sneaking in!

" You are a bad influence," I say to Amy.

"I know," she smirks.

She finally got the window open. The one she's been trying to open for minutes when I said.

"Why are we sneaking in anyway? There's no one home and I have a key," I say not realizing she was already half way through the window. Damn she's fast. This makes me wonder if she's done this kind of stuff before.

I can feel the anger on her face as she says, "and you're telling me that now!?"

I know she is serious but I have to laugh because her butt is on the outside of the window as she's shouting.


I get the homework while Amy just sits on my bed. We walk down stairs talking about funny things that happened before and suddenly, I hear the laughter of a man and a woman. I stop walking and notify Amy to stop too. The man sounds familiar but the woman, I've never heard. We silently tip toe down the stairs which I wish I didn't do because in the living room there was a surprise I wish I hadn't seen.

A/N :So what do you guys think? Please tell me in the comments. I'm really nervous about publishing it. Tell me if you would like me to continue writing it too. Anyway that's all. Bye! 🤗

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