Chapter 8 - Alone Time

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I jumped, startled by the fact that he was watching me while a look of surprise and confusion to fell upon my face.

"You look cute when you sleep." He says this with his face rested in the middle of his palm and his hand sitting on the arm of the chair. He stays that way watching me for a while with a small hint of a smile on his face until I break the silence and ask him where the twins are.

After he told me they were asleep, I tried to get up to check on them but to no avail as he stops me in the process by gently placing his hands on my shoulders and sitting me back down.

"Don't worry. I assure you, they're okay." As I opened my mouth to say something else he added, "And yes, they ate."He says all this looking deeply into my eyes, after which sitting back in his chair. "While you on the other hand look awfully tired. May I ask why?" The same amused smile is on his face as he sits in the chair closest to mine. Damn that's annoying and yet for some weird reason I can't help but smile inside.

The last thing he said finally registers in my head and I can't help but think about all my sleepless nights only because of two men.

Do better Lala. A voice in my head says.

"No you may not," I say coldly. I take out my phone to check the time. It's only 6pm and Mrs. Parker won't be here till nine. Damn, I have to spend three more hours with this guy. How the hell did he manage to put the twins to sleep anyway! Those kids never sleep.

I adjust my posture to ask him something that's been on my mind for a long time.

"Why are you here- no, why are you acting as if everything's okay?" I say, my face a mixture of confusion and anger. At my sudden change of tone, he also changes his posture leaning forward and placing his elbows on his bent knees as the smile disappears being replaced by a serious look.

"I don't know"

"You don't know?" I repeat awaiting his elaboration.

"I just came to you with the idea of being completely honest but you didn't want to hear it so my mind went blank. Hence, I only acted without thinking." I start laughing......a lot.

"You''re idiot," I say in between laughs. I continue laughing and the next thing I know my cheeks are wet and I'm pulled into a hug.

"You're.... such...a...jerk," this time I say so in between cries hitting him with the little strength I had. I doubt that did anything. We stay that way for a while, while I tell him all the things I wanted to let out about him as he gently stoked my hair and listened.


Soon after I go check on the twins and to my surprise they were actually still asleep. Normally, they'd be up playing or something.

"Did you drug them or something?" I ask Ryan while laughing and walking down the stairs and towards him.

"Hey be careful with that laugh. I don't want you crying on me again," he says playfully backing away. I throw a cushion at him feeling flustered at his words.

"No but seriously, how'd you make them sleep? I always have a really hard time putting them to bed," I say as my curiosity builds up.

"Hmm really? It seems pretty easy to me." My eyes linger on his lips for a while as he looks up while talking but I quickly take them off before he could realize.
As I come back to reality I scoff at his words.

"What?!" He says as a slight chuckle escapes his mouth. I shake my head.

"If only you knew." I gesture with my hands for him to come closer. " Those kids are devils." I whisper in his ear. He starts laughing and as he turns around our eyes make one. We are at most an inch apart.

I give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Oh my.

My face turns red after pulling away while we both stand their staring deeply in each other's eyes as neither of us decide to look away. I turn to walk away thinking I shouldn't have done that before he turns me around and kisses me. Wrapping his hand around around my waist, he pulls me closer as he deepens the kiss. The kiss is slow and gentle as I slowly get lost in another world.

The sound of someone clearing their throat sounds in my ear and I quickly pull apart only to see Zack standing at the door.

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