Chapter 11 - Loosen Up

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Today was the day of the test and my father wouldn't stop pestering me about going to the doctor.

"I'm okay Dad!" I lifted my hands whilst slowly spinning around and adding, "See? Completely fine."

"No. You're going. And that's final."

"Dad!" I whined.

He hissed. "Go get dressed. Now."

Realizing there was nothing more I could do or say to make him change his mind, I quietly went upstairs.

At the ring of my phone, I took it up to see none other than Ryan's name. I answered as a big smile curved on my lips.

"Good morning," I said suddenly happy, the same smile across my face.

"Morning beautiful, why so chirpy? You must be happy to hear my voice." He chuckled.

I bit the bottom of my lip not knowing what to say.

He laughed. "I'm just joking. But seriously what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy," I smiled.

"What classes do you have today anyway?" He asked.

"Oh, right," I said remembering what my dad had said earlier.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can..." I said apologetically. I was so sad that I couldn't go today.

"What? What is- oh." His voiced lowered resulting in a change in his tone. "You're not coming today are you?"

I remained silent as I looked down.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to...but my father insisted on taking me to the doctor so..." I tried to explain.

"Wait you're going to the doctor? Then I think you should go too." He said suddenly with a change of heart.

"What? Are you really taking his side on this?" I was completely taken back by his response.

"Hey. Its not that I'm taking sides. I just want what's best for you." He was now talking calmly and slowly.

"But I'm completely fine now-"

"Lala. Honesty, what I saw, no, the condition I saw you in yesterday made me feel helpless. You were obviously in need of my help but I couldn't do anything. I hate seeing you like that. Please, even if you're not going for me, go for you. As long as you're okay, I am too. I've been worrying about you a lot. Your going would really put my mind at ease."

After listening carefully and trying to understand what he said, I realized how worried he really was and I wouldn't want him to worry more because of me.

"Okay, I'll go," I said understandingly.

"Thank you"

"But I have get ready now before my dad comes and eats my face, whole" I explained jokingly.

"Okay see you later then," he said laughing.

"Lala. Are you finished?" Dad was outside calling for me.

"Okay bye," I said before quickly hanging up and plopping the phone onto the bed. I rushed to the bathroom and got ready after.

When I got downstairs my dad was in the sofa waiting.

"I called. Why didn't you answer?" He asked.

"Whaaat? Uh, maybe I was in the shower or something," I said looking around whilst trying to lie.

"Anyway let's go. We don't want to be late," he said gesturing for me to go outside.


It went well. The doctor gave me renewed medication and told me at what time I should take them. He said if I ran out and the pain was still there I'd have to go back.

As soon as I got home I called Ryan explaining to him what had happened. He was glad to hear that nothing too bad happened.

The next few days went by pretty quickly and thankfully the headaches stopped right around the time my medication finished. Weirdly, Ryan and I hardly spoke and it went back to the crazy old days with my best friend. Whenever we saw each other we'd just say a quick hi and continue walking to our separate destinations. I guess we always had somewhere else to be.

Now it was the weekend and somehow Amy managed to talk me into going to a party. I refused various times but damn she's good at persuasion. She said it was just a small party some guy was keeping and told me to let loose and have some fun. She also said I could use this to celebrate the end of my headaches.

Not really interested in going, I pulled on the first jeans and blouse I saw with a converse shoes.


Surprised at the amount of people I saw when I got there I immediately turned around to leave.

"Hey. Where do you think you're going?" Amy asked, stopping me.

I turned around. "Amy, you said it'd be a small party. This is like the entire school!"

"Hey, hey calm down okay. We'll just have fun. It doesn't matter how many people are here," she explained and added, "what's the worst that could happen?"

I remained silent not knowing what to say .

"See? Let's go," she pulled me and before I knew it we were inside the house.

Inside was packed making it hard to move around while extremely loud music played. There were persons everywhere, each one holding a cup of there own. Some swayed back and forth on the dance floor while others sat and spoke or played games.

The more Amy walked ahead of me, the more I lost sight of her. She was now long gone and I had no idea of what to do or where to go. I continued walking eager to escape from the crowd. Eventually, I found myself in the backyard which was way less crowded and quieter.

"Hey," said a mysterious voice from behind me. I turned around to see who it was hoping it was someone I knew. But to my disappointment, it wasn't. Instead, in front of me was a tall dark haired guy. His dimples stood out more than any other feature on his face.

"Hi...," I said totally confused as to who he was.

"Oh I'm Alex," he said putting out his hand for me to shake. He was obviously very nice and cheerful due to the big smile he had across his face which his dimples highlighted.

"Lala," I said whilst shaking his hand and returning his smile.

"By the way, I'm not a creepy person. I'm a friend of Amy's. I should've probably said that first," he said laughing awkwardly at the last part.

"Yeah, you probably should've." We both started laughing.

"Hi beautiful." At the sudden sound of his voice I turned around. He had on a plain black t-shirt with matching black pants. He swayed  and staggered as he came closer cupping my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss.


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