Chapter 17 - Maybe...Just Maybe

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I didn't know what to do.

I felt completely helpless.

All I could do was stand there and keep my mouth shut.

We both stood there in silence before he glanced at me, and finally breaking the silence he spoke.

"I'm sorry. I brought you here to have fun and now I'm ruining the mood," he apologized.

"No, its okay. Thanks, by the way." I gratefully said. I meant it when I said it was the most fun I had had in a long time.

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"For all this," I gestured with my hands as I spoke. "Honestly, this is the most fun I've had in a while."

"Oh, too bad. I thought it was because of this face," he said gesturing towards his face to which I started laughing.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't say thanks for that," I said laughing even harder.

Ryan's POV

These are the times I wish I could freeze time and be with her. Being in this moment forever. With each laugh, I feel like I'm being pulled into her trap. Whenever she laughs I somehow automatically do the same, as if I'm under some type of spell.

"Hey, beautiful?" I called her and as usual a vague but cute blush lands on he cheek before she answers.


"There's something I really need to get this off my chest. " I let out a sigh before continuing. "I'm sorry I won't be with you. I never thought something like this would happen...and I know this is crazy but...can you be mine?"

I'm really sorry.

"I-I-I don't know. You're leaving. I don't know if I'll be able to handle-" Before she could finish I interrupted knowing what she'd say.

"I know but could you think about it first? Please?"


The car ride was silent. She didn't say anything and neither did I knowing she'd want time to think. After dropping her off I headed home determined to talk my mother into staying. Unfortunately failing as she was just as determined to leave. There was no hope. Obviously, I would leave and in the process cause Lala pain. I really hated the fact that out of all people I was the one hurting her and yet, for some reason I couldn't help but be selfish and want her. As long as she was mine it was okay if I left.

Lala's POV

Various thoughts and feelings rushed through my mind as I contemplated what to do while pacing back and forth in my room. Most long distance relationships I had seen ended terribly. That's something I would never want for myself. I wanted to be with him but only if I could be with him. But then again, I've liked him for a long time. this was finally my chance. What does it matter if we're not close? We can still talk over the phone and visit each other every once in a while. Yeah, totally.

While thinking about an answer to give him I fell asleep.


For the third time this morning, I took up my phone and stopped my alarm, this time I decided to get up. Surprised at the time, I quickly got up before rushing to the bathroom.

With little time left, I swiftly took up the toast mom had prepared for me and dashed out of the house. By the time I got to school classes had already started. With heavy pants I opened the my class door to see the entire class and the teacher staring at me.

"Lala, why are you so late?" Miss Gregary asked in a stern manner. As usual, I did my nervous laugh and tried to make an excuse.

"Chores?" I responded before nervously laughing once more. At the back of the class I heard a loud snicker to which my head immediately turned to see Ryan trying to hold back a laugh. Dang, I forgot I had a class with him this morning. So embarrassing, but then again totally expected from him.

"I'll pretend one of my best students didn't just lie to me. You may be seated," she said causing me to feel ashamed and even more embarrassed than I was before.

While walking, I searched the class with my eyes for a seat as my normal seat was already taken. My only option now was the back where there were two seats open. One beside the grumpiest guy in our grade and the other beside Ryan. I didn't think I was even close to ready for giving Ryan an answer and so I chose to sit beside the other guy. As soon as I sat, he turned around, gracing me with a terrifying look. In return, while laughing nervously I slowly backed away before being dragged somewhere else.

Knowing who had pulled me and where I was now sitting, I looked straight ahead facing the teacher and taking a big gulp.

"Okay class. You have all received four out of five of your grades. There is one last must do assignment left. It can not be turned in after the due date. Failure is not acceptable." As she explained I got more curious as to how hard this assignment would be. "It requires teamwork and hard thinking. You will be placed in pairs and each pair should find a math topic and relate it to everyday life. Your research should be thoroughly explained with if not few, no mistakes. That is all. Oh and, your partner is whoever you're seated next to right now."


I slowly turned around to see Ryan smiling vibrantly at me.

Putting out his hand for a handshake with a big smile glued to his face, he spoke. "Let's work well together...partner."

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