Chapter 9 - Pain

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My eyes widened and my mouth fell open as I was now completely shocked and speechless. And I'm assuming it was the same for Zack as he also had the same look.

"What the f*** Lala!" Zack shouted as he looked at me in disbelief. He came over to me as he added, "Come with me." His face was now filled with disappointment as he took my wrist and pulled me to talk privately but to no avail as Ryan held my other hand and pulled me away. They both stood there glaring at each other and if looks could kill, someone would be dead.

I sighed placing my body in between the both of them slightly pushing them away from each other.

"Okay so before you guys kill each other, I'll decide what's going to happen." Moving my head side to side looking at them, I eyed them cautiously before continuing. "So I'll go talk to Zack-"

"But-" surprisingly Ryan didn't quite like the idea of what I said. Waving my index finger whilst placing my hand on my hip I added, " No, no, no. No 'buts'."

Behind me I could hear Zack snickering softly at the word "buts."

"Let's go Zack," I said turning around.

"Huh yeah. Wait, aren't I the one who's supposed to be- ." He stopped looking all confused.


Turns out our talk was a little rough around the edges but it turned out okay...... I guess. I told Zack what happened. I didn't tell him everything of course. I might have left out some stuff.

Zack and I came out of the kitchen laughing to see Ryan in the living room sitting with his arms crossed. We ignored him and said our good byes and soon after Ryan and I left.

We were now almost at my front door when he asked, " Can I ask you a question?" I nodded in response gesturing for him to continue. He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Should I be worried?"


"That Zack guy." While saying this he lowered his voice making it hard for me to hear him.

I started laughing while he stood there looking at me questionably as a confused expression was now plastered against his face.

"No...not at all. He's like my brother," I said in between laughs.

"So.... have you guys ever...," he spoke hesitantly gesturing with his hand.

Wow where did big bold confident Ryan go?

"Well...yes. We were together briefly in the 6th grade. It was a long time ago," I explained.

"So I should be worried." This time it was a statement.

"What? No! I told you. We're like siblings. It was the 6tth grade. Why do you care anyway? Its not like we're together or anything.

"Huh. Oh so so how do you explain that kiss earlier." He stood there awaiting my answer while for me, as soon as those words left his mouth, my breath hitched in my throat as a blush quickly crept upon my cheeks. I cleared my throat not knowing what to say.

"I...I ," giving up as I was completely speechless, I sighed. He laughed.

He laughed?

As I was still flustered I looked down, my eyes looking everywhere except at him and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Placing his index finger under my chin and lifting my head he answered, " You're just so cute."

My heart was beating so fast it could jump out of my chest and so loud I bet it could be an alarm clock for my neighbours.

With my face completely blank I quickly said goodnight and turned walking to my door so fast you'd think my life depended on it.

"Hey wait!" He called. I turned around before he added, "so no goodnight kiss?" He said chuckling. I turned back around and went inside.

After what seemed like an hour of sleep I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. My cheeks flushed as I remembered the events of last night.

Causing my head to ache more, a notification sounded on my phone. I flinched then took up the phone. It was a text from Ryan. I could feel my heart rate slowly increasing in my chest.

Ryan: Morning beautiful.

I smiled. As I was about to answer he replied.

Ryan: Any plans today?

Me: Yes, actually. Sorry. I've gotta study
for a test tomorrow .

Ryan: And you're going to be studying all

Me: Well no...

Ryan: Then how about we go out today,
just us.

Me: Sorry, still can't.

Ryan: Why! Are you sure you're just not
playing hard to get? Lol.

Me: No, lol. I'm not feeling well.

Ryan: Really? What's wrong?

Me: Nothing major, just a slight

Ryan: Is there anything I can do? Do you
want me to come over?

Me: What! No!

Me: You're joking right?

Ryan: .....Maybe?

I flinched as I felt another throb yet again in my head.

Me: I'm going to go rest now. I bet I'll be better when I wake up.

Ryan: Oh, ok. Well, call me.

Me: Ok.

I put my phone down and not long after I drifted away.


I was wrong.

This time I woke up due to the pain I was feeling in my head. It hurt like crazy. I tried to get up to get some water but was too noxious as I fell back on the bed. I tried calling for mom but received no reply and I knew I could barely talk anyway. It suddenly came flashing in my mind what Ryan had said earlier.

Ryan: Oh, ok. Well, call me.

I looked around for my phone and spotted it on the small table beside my bed. The more I moved, the more pain I felt. I stretched and stretched until I finally got the phone in hand. I quickly dialed his number and he answered on the second ring. My breath became heavier as the pain worsened.

"Hello?" As soon as I heard his voice a tear escaped.

"Lala? Are you okay?" I could barely talk. I tried to say something but could barely even mutter it. I heard some ruffling in the background and the sound of a door closing.

"You're still at home right?" I hummed a yes as I heard him start the car.

"I'm going to hang up now. Stay where you are. I'm coming over."

Before I could mumble anything he hung up.

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