Chapter 12 - The Sneak In

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I was totally taken back by his sudden attack. My eyes slowly widened in shock. This had to be a dream.

At the sound of a gasp I pulled away to see Amy's mouth open in awe. She was obviously shocked at the sight in front of her and so was her friend Alex.

I waved both my hands gesturing a 'no' while slowly waking towards Amy. "Amy, it's not what you think," I opposed.

Amy's lips slowly curved into a smile. "What do you mean it's not what I think?" She smiled even harder. "You guys were together and you didn't tell me? I'm heartbroken." She most definitely didn't look like it.

"We're not together. We're just...friends," I explained denying Amy's claim.

"Babe," Ryan said swaying from left to right before reaching me and placing his hand around my shoulder. With his breath the scent of whiskey, he lifted my chin with his finger so our eyes could meet before adding, "I missed you."

Searching his eyes, I wondered if it was the alcohol talking or him. I wanted to know if he really meant what he said.

"See, you guys are together!" Amy said, the same look on her face.

"No we're not. He's just drunk." I explained once more. "Now could you help me carry him? He's really heavy."

"Of course you're not," Amy said sarcastically before walking towards me to help me. Before she could, Alex stepped in placing Ryan's other hand around his shoulder and we both carried him to an empty sofa in the living room.

There were a lot of people around. Some stared at us while others continued dancing. Ryan was left there in a deep sleep.

As I was now ready to leave, I called Amy. She was in the kitchen talking to Alex. While walking out I took a quick glance to where Ryan was. He was sweating. He must've been hot.

I wonder how he'll get home tonight.

"We can drive him home if you want," said Alex from behind me. I quickly turned around realizing I had stopped and was staring at him.

"No, it's okay. I'm sure he'll wake up soon and go home," I said. Somehow it felt like I was trying to convince myself rather than Alex.

"What do you mean, no? The guy's in a deep sleep. I don't think he's gonna wake up for now," Amy said walking towards us. Alex soon agreed with her point before adding, "yeah, plus, I don't think he'll survive the night here. Everyone's drunk anyway. They'll definitely mess with him."

"But I don't know where he lives," I said.

"Excuses, excuses. Just carry him to your place," Amy said suggesting another one of her crazy ideas.

"Amy!" I exclaimed.

"What? Just sneak him in if you have to," she said rolling her eyes.

"Okay. Let's just get moving and we'll decide once we're in the car. It's getting later and later by the minute," Alex said putting an end to our little disagreement.


So as usual, Amy's crazy idea took place yet again as I was now struggling to sneak Ryan in. Thank God I received help from Alex.

Our plan was to distract my parents so Alex could take Ryan to my room. I told Alex where my room was and after carefully going over the plan various times, it was now time to take action.

Amy was in the car awaiting Alex's arrival. He was worried about her being alone at night. Therefore, we made haste in our operation.

Just like the plan, I went in first letting Ryan and Alex in at the same time before heading to the kitchen to distract my mother while Alex quietly carried Ryan upstairs.

Unfortunately, Ryan was not as quiet as we had hoped. His noise led me to do all sorts of crazy and noisy things while talking to my mom.

I had to blend juice I despised to cover up the noise he was making as Alex carried him up the stairs.

"I thought you hated that juice," mom said, watching me gulp down my drink.

"Mmm no, I don't. I think you have me confused with someone else. It's sooo yummy." I rubbed my tummy exaggerating the so as I tried desperately to fake a smile.

We knew the hard part would be letting him out and it was now time. While downstairs I took up the garbage heading towards the door.

Alex was now half way down the stairs and in clear view of anyone else downstairs.

"What are you doing?" My mom asked. A puzzled look on her face before adding, "are you really taking out the garbage? Who are you and what have you done with my daughter," she laughed. "I'm joking okay. Carry on," she said before returning to the kitchen.

I looked towards the stairs to see Alex glued to the wall eagerly wanting to hide from my mother. He let out a quiet sigh before gesturing for me to keep going.

After opening the door, Alex ran past me faster than I could blink two times. As we were now outside I could thank him for his efforts which is exactly what I did.

"Don't mention it. Just remind me never to listen to one of Amy's ideas again," he said seriously with a slightly frightened look on his face. I laughed and agreed before saying good bye. While placing the garbage in the bin, I laughed even harder before heading back inside.


On my way upstairs, I took a cup of water with me just in case he had woken up; but unfortunately he was still asleep. He was comfortably resting on my bed, his legs stretching over covering both sides of the bed.

Taking in his features, I stood there for a while. How could he still look good even when sleeping? His hair was messy which somehow made him look way cuter.

It was late and and I was getting tired causing a sleepy yawn to escape my mouth.

Reality finally struck me as started to wonder where I would sleep since Ryan occupied my bed. In the end, with no other choice, having to sleep on the floor, I made sure to get enough blankets so I was comfortable enough.


When the sun rose, I found myself on the bed and Ryan was no longer there.

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